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Becoming a food safety and quality auditor

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    Grade - AIFSQN

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Posted 21 January 2025 - 03:46 AM

I am abount to achieve my minimum experience requirement
What else do i need to do
I know getting certification/ accreditation for myself will help
But which accreditation should i go for?

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Posted 21 January 2025 - 02:53 PM

Do you mean which type of GFSI scheme you should look to be certified to audit?

Since you're located in Australia, I would try researching the most popular audit schemes at first. It may also help to look at certification bodies and check if they are posting job openings for auditors of certain schemes. It might be to your advantage to become a certified auditor for the most-popular scheme as well as one of the schemes that have less certified auditors in the area but are in high demand.


I would definitely try to become a certified auditor for more than one GFSI scheme.

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Posted 21 January 2025 - 03:48 PM

I have posed the question here, because i have became stick in my eesearch.
All 3 looks equally popular, but it is like asking 3 supplier which one is the best at something and all 3 said they are without wanting to elaborate any further why they are the best for the purpose.

It would be helpful if you could tell me better way to research those reason.

And getting more certification is an implied given for this field, but my question is also implying for which one ahould i get first.

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Posted 21 January 2025 - 06:58 PM

Tough to say which to start with.  Do you have more familiarity and experience with one of them with prior jobs?  I'd probably want to start more where I'm comfortable, but you could be pigeonholed into a scheme not as widely used in your area.  Maybe the bigger companies around you are sharing their certification info on their websites and you can get a sense of whom most are using?


And as a new auditor, changing into a new scheme or trying to work into multiple schemes could bring you frustrations: I think we're all familiar with auditors who say, "Well, what I'm used to seeing..." when deciding if your process or SOP meets a code requirement.  The SQF auditors I've struggled the most with are ones who openly expressed preference for BRC, and would challenge me that my processes weren't good enough because it's "not what they're used to seeing."  Same struggles occur when someone who has decade of experience in one industry suddenly transitions into auditing and walks into a facility type they've never experienced (like when a lifelong dairy guy was in his first year of SQF and came to my spice plant).  Had to basically tell that guy, "No, Mr. Auditor, I really don't care how sanitation is super different in a dairy plant."


Just some food for thought as you weigh all of your options.

Edited by jfrey123, 21 January 2025 - 06:58 PM.

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Posted 22 January 2025 - 12:03 AM

Ok, thankyou, thats helpful
As for my field
I have experience in meat and smallgoods, packaging, dairy, and my current position have me handdling cooking oil, along with cleaning and insecticide type of product.

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Posted 22 January 2025 - 01:17 AM

I am abount to achieve my minimum experience requirement
What else do i need to do
I know getting certification/ accreditation for myself will help
But which accreditation should i go for?


What is "my minimum experience requirement?


What else do you need?  Well, a bunch of things...


1. I'd go out with an Auditor and see if you could shadow a couple of them to get a better feel of what is all involved.

2. I'd go to the various certification websites and look up the requirements for being an Auditor and then begin the path for each one, one at a time is best - otherwise it could drive you insane. You could start wtih www.SQFI.com and then BRC and depending on the 3rd most popular go there too - this way you get training completion certs in as many as possible and thus get more work to do.

3. I would suggest that you not go for the easy food sector categories because they are normally the ones that have the least amount of work available,

4. Take training courses in the various computer programs that Auditors use and have a good understanding of English and sentence structure.

5. Call around with the CB's as they may have apprentice type openings available and will pay as you learn.

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Glenn Oster Consulting, LLC 

SQF System Development, Implementation & Certification Consultants

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Market Segments: Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Organic, Non-Gluten

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Posted 22 January 2025 - 02:09 AM

Thanks for your reply SQFconsultant.

In regards to your answer, I have few more question.

For point 1, how do I get acquainted with an auditor and to be able to shadow them in their auditing?

Then with point 3. what is classified as easy food sector? It is my first time hearing the term for this role.

Lastly, point 4. What program does Auditor uses?

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