Dear All,
This is hardly an original topic but not visited recently I think.
No idea about numbers (worth a poll ??) but in the non-American world (I know nothing about USA), I get the feeling that BRC is becoming increasingly penetrative apart from Germany / France perhaps ?.
For the earlier versions I conceptually approved of BRC. I liked the tiered structure and the appraisal mechanism. I thought it had a user-friendly flavour despite the occasional layout oscillations and it’s undisguised relevance to due diligence in the UK. But now I think it is in the process of creating a monster.
A few personal opinions –
(a) Text is becoming increasingly ISO – like.
(b) Audit frequencies becoming unmistakeably profit oriented even if explained on a “risk” basis.
© New version frequencies same as (b) (Didn’t actually check the precise chronology, but I think I’m correct).
I am hoping that ISO 22000 will progress in the opposite direction as familiarity encourages better understanding. 22004 was a start. There also seem to be some signs of this within contributions on this forum. If so, it may have a competitive chance internationally IMO.
No doubt British retailers will disagree with me !
Any opinions on this subject.
( PS - I added the word "Retail" to make the title match my post but any other category comments welcome )
Rgds / Charles.C
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