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Tony-C's Blog

Catch Up Time as GFSI Release GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Version 7 Updated April 2018

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 14 April 2017 - · 11,058 views
GFSI, Version 7
With the recent release of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Version 7 I thought it would be a good time to follow up on one of my previous blogs – GFSI Chicken or BRC Egg…which came first?  So, what are the changes? The previous GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Sixth Edition Version 6.4 was a single docu...

New Revision of the Food Hygiene & Safety Gospel in the Pipeline

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 15 October 2015 - · 7,893 views
codexhaccp, food hygiene
New Revision of the Food Hygiene & Safety Gospel in the Pipeline In November 2014, the 46th committee session agreed to establish an EWG led by France and Thailand, to review the General Principles of Food Hygiene (GPFH) including the Annex on HACCP and identify any need for updating and review. The CODEX COMMITTEE ON FOOD HYGIENE 47th Session takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America on 9 -...

GFSI Chicken or BRC Egg…which came first?

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 05 May 2015 - · 9,022 views
GFSI Chicken or BRC Egg…which came first? This month marks the 15th anniversary of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) which was launched in May 2000. According to Wikipedia : “The Global Food Safety Initiative is a business driven initiative for the continuous improvement of food safety management systems to ensure confidence in the delivery of safe food to consumers worldwide. GFSI pr...

Decoding Food Safety Validation & Verification

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 21 January 2015 - · 12,671 views
validation, verification
Decoding Food Safety Validation & Verification This subject of validation and verification is right up there in the list of food safety areas which cause the most confusion among members and the variety and often conflicting definitions and requirements in food safety certification standards as to what should be validated, what should be verified and what should be done to meet the criteria for valida...

FSSC 22000 on the attack in the GFSI Quality game

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 20 November 2014 - · 9,127 views
fssc 22000, quality, gfsi
FSSC 22000 on the attack in the GFSI Quality game Last month FSSC 22000 announced its intention to add a module for the certification of Food Quality Management Systems based on ISO 9001. Certification should be available in the New Year.

In the announcement FSSC 22000 stated:

‘The addition will give organizations the possibility to be FSSC 22000 audited and certified for Food Safety and Quality Manag...

Unannounced Audits – The Way Forward

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 30 June 2014 - · 9,864 views
Unannounced, audits
Unannounced and unscheduled audits are growing ever more popular in the mainstream food safety certification schemes. In March this year the new edition of the SQF Code (7.2) included a requirement for suppliers to undertake one unannounced audit within the three year certification cycle.

BRC unannounced audits are available to sites achieving top grades...

Emphasis on Integrity in BRC Version 7 Draft

Posted by Tony-C, in Food Safety Standards 01 June 2014 - · 11,597 views

BRC have issued a draft version 7 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety which has a strong emphasis on product and raw material integrity and authenticity, quite obviously a result of last year’s Horsemeat Scandal.

The scandal in which horsemeat was substituted for beef in a range of products caused uproar with the public particularly in the UK and...