Hi, To All of you,
I just got home and relaxing a little bit. @ Chris, I have a degree in Hotel Management and 20 yrs. of Culinary experience and that's it. I'm not planning to be an Auditor someday as my time is almost finished, I will be retiring soon, in 8 yrs. to be exact.
Back to the topic, as I said, most of my co workers cannot understand English, so what i'm planning is to select people who can understand and write legibly. 90% of the people here were expats and that's including me.We have a local dietician (Saudis) and they were contractors and the company doesn't allow them to be in my position as they may leave the company anytime to look for bigger salary.
@ Simon, time will come, I can cope in, I'll just read, read and read or ask my friend for assistance for sometimes now. We have an office called " priority one" they're the one responsible for guests booking, schedule, etc. thing we need and we have also a conference room that we can use for the training, of course, projectors.
Speaking of legality, as you all mentioned, this morning I talked to my supervisor about this and they don't have any single idea about this. Since this is the first time we will do this HACCP thing. We decided to proceed our goal to educate our people and you know what? the pressure we're experiencing right now is only coming from our own company people, so no big thing. Only the auditor can tell. Oh man, that's long.
I appreciate your help guys, thank you.