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Can I conduct HACCP training and issue Certificates to my co-workers?

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:29 PM

First of all, i'd like to say "hi"  to everyone. now, my question is, can I conduct a training regarding haccp to my co- workers? can I issue certificate (competency) to them? or just leave it to a third party? thank you.

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:34 PM

First of all, i'd like to say "hi"  to everyone. now, my question is, can I conduct a training regarding haccp to my co- workers? can I issue certificate (competency) to them? or just leave it to a third party? thank you.


Dear Ralh,


I suppose you can do what you like (as long as it's legal), but the usefulness of yr activity may well depend on what you are talking about ? :smile:


Some contextual info. is needed, eg


product ?

process ?

intended use of "training" activity, eg standard ?

yr own claim to (training) competency ?


Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:49 PM

I think every piece of training no matter how small or home made is great!  That said there are requirements in some countries to have a basic level of recognized or certified food handler hygiene training.  Outside of legal requirements.


If I were an auditor and I was asking you about training I would be looking at:


- the quality of the content and training materials

- the trainers competence knowledge, experience and qualifications etc. on the subject matter

- the trainers competence to deliver training e.g. train the trainer, previous experience

- was their an end test / review of trainees knowledge retention

- Feedback from the trainees on the training course

- I might even go out to the shop floor and ask a few questions


If I was satisfied with the above you would get a very large tick.



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 05:09 PM

Thanks for the quick reply, to give you an idea, I'm working in an oil company as a trained chef , and our main functions is to give assistance, accommodations to the company's  guests doing business with them, and of course, feed them. We have guest houses and personal butlers for their stay. We also have kitchen and bakery for any functions they wanted.


Now, last year, the company's environmental and sanitation dept. requires us to make our division a HACCP certified. So, they sent me to Abu Dhabi to go for HACCP training, I passed the exam.  Certified HACCP Professional (CHP) under the Certified HACCP Professional: Food Hygiene and Food safety Management Program, HE727.


Right now I'm on the process of creating an HACCP plan with the help of a friend from outside whose workplace is already HACCP certified. The reason why I want to train them or teach the basic of HACCP is to educate them about the system. Most of the people doesn't have any idea what HACCP is and mostly doesn't speak and understand English. My main purpose is to create a team which is one of the pre requisite of HACCP and start the hazard analysis, ccp, etc. Thanks.

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 01:54 PM

Hello Rahl,


While I am not sure about legal requirements in your country, I can say the following about my experiences:


1. Most audits I've been through require at least one person to be certified by a certification body to perform certain functions (HACCP verification, analysis functions, etc.)

2. That individual is then allowed to train internal employees on HACCP to qualify them for the HACCP team, as well as train them on validation and verification principles.


I would think if you have received official certification, then you would be allowed to conduct training of other individuals to perform functions according to your HACCP plan.


I hope that helps,



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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:17 AM

Dear Ralh,


Thks for info.


Other than having taken / passed the course you mentioned, do you have any other technical qualifications, eg a Science-related degree or "equivalent" ? Just curious but can be relevant IMEX for (some) auditorial HACCP Team approval level.


Another practical factor IMO is the educational level of the people you are intending to train. There is a limit as to how far you can simplify HACCP basics.  "Principles of Food Hygiene" is more flexible.

As an (audit-related) example, there is another thread here discussing “Can you use routine plant personnel  to “run” a Metal Detector / CCP ?” Opinions varied.


Rgds / Charles.C


PS - the well-known SFBB system which enables small food retail businesses in EC to be compliant to the jumbo EC HACCP regulations proves that "where there's a will, .....way" :biggrin:

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 01:44 PM

Hi, To All of you,


I just got home and relaxing a little bit. @ Chris, I have a degree in Hotel Management and 20 yrs. of Culinary experience and that's it. I'm not planning to be an Auditor someday as my time is almost finished, I will be retiring soon, in 8 yrs. to be exact. :happydance: Back to the topic, as I said, most of my co workers cannot understand English, so what i'm planning is to select people who can understand and write legibly. 90% of the people here were expats and that's including me.We have  a local dietician (Saudis) and they were contractors and the company doesn't allow them to be in my position as they may leave the company anytime to look for bigger salary.


@ Simon, time will come, I can cope in, I'll just read, read and read or ask my friend for assistance for sometimes now. We have an office called " priority one" they're the one responsible for guests booking, schedule, etc. thing we need and we have also a conference room that we can use for the training, of course, projectors.


Speaking of legality, as you all mentioned, this morning I talked to my supervisor about this and they don't have any single idea about this. Since this is the first time we will do this HACCP thing. We decided to proceed our goal to educate our people and you know what? the pressure we're experiencing right now is  only coming from our own company people, so no big thing. Only the auditor can tell. Oh man, that's long.


I appreciate your help guys, thank you.

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 11:05 PM

All training to be effective must have the following:


  • A training program 
  • Training content covering the specific subject matter
  • A competent trainer
  • Methods for checking that knowledge transfer have occurred and applied to the task/job

This is the case regardless of the subject. When it comes to HACCP the key issue is trainer competence. This requires two key attributes:


  • Knowledge and experience of the subject i.e. HACCP
  • Skills to impart knowledge and train other individuals

You can have the best mind and expert in HACCP working in the company but if that individual lacks the basic skills to impart that knowledge then no amount of training will be effective. As a basic guide the HACCP trainer should undergo, pass and be certified in a high level HACCP program (To prove to the auditor that knowledge is present). The second requirement to impart and transfer knowledge and skills can be developed through undergoing specific Train the Trainer programs and always through verification of the training through examinations and on the job assessment of the trainee post training.


The standard of training and trainer required vary depending on jurisdiction, standard and customer. The best advice is to ask the entity or party who will ultimately decide if you meet that standard. 



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