I'm a QA manager for a very large private label botle water plant. I have been trying to develop a traceability plan for finished goods. i have a warehouse that stores over 10,000 pallet slots. i can do live loads and store pallets. I move over 75 trailers with 21 pallets each 7 days a week.
I was looking at colored paper with PRODUCT, DATE, SIZE AND LOCATION ON A license plate. this WOULD BE ON A SPREAD SHEET AND a manual system is very tedious. we have not invested in a ERP or WMS using RFID.
I'm looking for anyone in bottled water to talk with about this topic and others. i have been an auditor, consultant, now a SQF practitioner.
We just went through SQF level 3 in Sept and a recent surveillence and did well, 4 nonconformities.
Thanks for any help