Let me start with the situation: I am the Quality Systems Coordinator at an Aseptic Juice Production facility, I have been in this position about a year. We have an older building here where someone (in their infinite wisdom) decided to paint the entire ceiling about 5 years ago. The paint started to peel, so in order to mitigate this problem, about 3 years ago a drop ceiling was installed over the processing (blending/ open product) areas. In the non-processing areas (enclosed products) we are scraping the ceiling each year to try to ward off the peeling. This is about a 15,000 sq. ft. facility. This issue now, which the FDA kindly pointed out to us during our last inspection, is that we had a few missing tiles in the processing (open product) area
We have a plan in place, that whenever tiles fall (which can be due to air movement, water spray, vibration of equipment, etc...) that they are to be replaced immediately. Which is working for now. However, they are falling CONSTANTLY!
I am writing for ideas for long-term fixes. There is excessive piping in the ceiling and very frequent piping changes requiring easy access, and due to the nature of our batching they are soiled and in need of cleaning often as well ( we had discussed gluing some into place and COP). I attached a photo.
Does anyone have any ideas?? Or can anyone recommend an industrial ceiling fabricator?
Thank you!!