Best Answer Planck, 22 September 2014 - 09:55 AM
Ok I have set your topic live again, thanks for the background information.
The link in your latest post does not work. Do we follow the link in the first post?
Yes, follow the link in the first post please.
Step 1 , Open the link please :
Download the ZIP file(MD Verify helper, it include all files.
Other picture is show only , the tool don't need them.
Step 2, Extract all files in the zip file to a new folder where any position in your disk.
However the tool run only on windows. Sorry.
Step 3, Double click the ThresholdGuide.exe, run it.(No spam, no virus)
Step 4, Setup your sample times in Wand Sample and Prodcut Sample .
Such as wand sample is 100, Product Sample is 200,
Meaning is you need enter 100 Wand Signal Value Data to every Fe, NFe and SS data area.
The same time,enter 200 Product Detector Signal Value Data to Product Data Area.
Step 5, Click "Analyze..." button , it will calculate a appropriate Threshold to you .
The same time display failure rate for the Threshold.
Like this:
A appropriate threshold is 400. In this case:
Metal Missing Reject Rate is 1.6ppm.
Product Wrong Reject Rate is 3.0ppm.
Enjoy it...
Sorry, I need write a detailed user guide for the tool.
However because the tool is still not develop complete . I need still time .
Sorry for you and anyone.
However it can be used. Because inside algorithm was done.
Thank you for your approve.
best regard...