Dear timhackett,
Just FYI, Here are 4 examples of haccp plans nominally stated to be for wine manufacturing.
They illustrate the possible variety of “interpretations” of a “haccp plan”.
The postulated CCPs are 0,0,7,6 respectively.
wn1 - NZ haccp application (plan) - fruit wine.pdf 135.59KB
wn2 - NZ haccp application (plan) grape wine.pdf 180.25KB
wn3 - haccp plan wine(based on S-like,off-odours).pdf 5.93MB
wn4 - haccp plan red wine.ppt 1.22MB
I also noticed this vaguely intriguing website statement –
NOTE: Popular opinion deems there are no Critical Control Points (CCP) in the winemaking process, however, HACCPCanada has determined that CCP's exist with raw materials that can affect quality and health standards of the final product.
HACCPCanada Certification satisfies the HACCP component of the BRC Standard, the GFSI Standard and the ISO 9001 Standard all of which are the recognized standards for international export of all food including wine products. HACCP certification of individual companies is of the utmost importance for Canadian wines to be exported to the EU (European Union).
Comments on haccp plans
No.3 seems to be focused on quality. One ref.
No.4 is a bit of a potpourri of hazards and critical limits. No refs. Never heard of “killer yeast” before but it apparently exists.
Nos 1,2 clearly have a related source although No.2 is missing some details of No.1, eg no refs.
Interesting that the potential use of sulphite in the field (classified as a manufacturer-uncontrollable hazard) is mentioned in No.2 but not No.1 Neither mention Prerequisites, presumably understood to be implemented within the “Good Winemaking Practice” (sec. 1.3 of No.1) and the intro (sec.1) of no.2. The introductory “important disclaimer” in No.1 is a little disturbing.
(added) - some of the footnotes in No.1 are unusually revealing IMEX and suggest the necessity for some kind of validatory work in respect to raw materials. Maybe this is a related phenomenon to that hinted at in the earlier linked quotation.
Rgds / Charles.C
PS - In NZ case, GMP-related aspects may be presented in some of the restricted links on this home page -