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Carrying Allergens Forward

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:31 PM

Hi Everyone,


On an allergen checklist that we received from one of our suppliers, it states that eggs and mustard are used in products made on the same prodution line as our ingredient; therefore, has a may contain statement.  We don't have egg and mustard in our plant.  Do we have to carry over the may contain statment to our products?


Thanks in advance,


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:46 PM

I would ask for their risk assessment on allergens and take the necessary action from there.

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 01:42 AM

Hi Everyone,


On an allergen checklist that we received from one of our suppliers, it states that eggs and mustard are used in products made on the same prodution line as our ingredient; therefore, has a may contain statement.  We don't have egg and mustard in our plant.  Do we have to carry over the may contain statment to our products?


Thanks in advance,





I assume yr question is from a QA POV rather than "marketing".


If so, my initial answer would be Yes. Let someone else "share the can".


Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 06:01 AM



The easiest solution is to declare 'may contain' egg and mustard on the label and lose customers that are allergic to egg and mustard:


Companies may also include a precautionary statement if there is a possibility that a food allergen could be in a food product through cross-contamination. It is recommended that companies identify these possibilities by using "may contain". For example a product that may have been cross-contaminated with peanuts could use a statement that reads, "May contain peanuts".

This is frowned upon by some schemes, for example BRC guidelines state:

'The use of a warning label should be justifiable on the basis of the risk assessment and should not be a substitute for good manufacturing practices.'


As RG3 has said, I would want to see more information from the supplier, risk assessments, details of measures the supplier takes to prevent cross-contamination, levels of each allergen and any tests they have carried out to check for cross-contamination. You do want to know if cross-contamination from this ingredient in your factory is a risk and also you will be in a more informed position and be able to justify (if necessary) the reason for your 'may contain' warning.


It may be that sourcing a supplier of the ingredient 'allergen free' is your best option.






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