Best Answer LoredanaM, 24 March 2015 - 06:10 PM
Hi all,
Thank you for your feedback. There is an allergen program in place - all we have is a cutting board table that is dedicated for that purpose only, and after the stuffing is added to the fillet, is rolled up and then portioned in smaller sizes. The stuffing per say is cream base (so no powder, liquids). Each individual portion has a label that indicates the allergens and also the method of storage and cooking; the finished product is not Ready-To-Eat, and the production room is temperature controlled.
Xylough thank you for the reference material and the insight into the air flow cross-contamination probability. What type of allergen testing are you conducting for the evaporator unit? I use Hygiena allergen swab (Aller-Snap) for food-contact surface only.
Charles, the reason the auditor gave for the finding was that is not enough separation between work areas (I suggested to the Management prior to the audit to create a visible separation of the area - of course being there for only few weeks my suggestion was ignored); the issue that I have now is that the curtains that are already installed do not really separate the allergen area.
Trubertq thank you for reference material - in regards to flow diagram, it is under review and all your help is more than welcomed :)