I voted not happy but not enough to make a change.
Well, over all I somewhat like my job.
Its the employees and other management that make it very hard to go to work happy.
All though I am "management", why am I doing all the work? lol
I'm at a company where NO ONE helps out anyone. You are definitely on your own.
The other day an employee slipped and fell and the other employees just looked at her and went back to work.
This makes it impossible to be happy at my job.
Quick question for anyone.....have you guys ever have one of your employees put their work on you? An employee tells their boss to do their job?
Let me know what you think. Just curious.
And yes this happened to me and yes....I got stern and told her to do her job! (if it was up to me...she wouldn't have a job any more)
So yea..this is a pattern here at my company. No respect.
Sorry for the rambling
I've been there, Jiljilbean, but I made the big change. As I mentioned just above, lack of support is a no-go for me. I burnt out very quickly doing the workload of several other managers with minimal help or input. As for whether my employees ever put their work on me? Absolutely not. They did their jobs. I also tried to make sure most duties were spread evenly, and if they needed help, I assisted them when necessary or got them assistance.