I am researching Training Needs Analysis in order to develop a system. Below I’ve put down some thoughts and hoping members can help me outline a simple system that works.
From what I’ve read so far (simply) Training Needs Analysis is the process of determining the training and development needs of people so that they can carry out their job effectively and efficiently, and also (maybe) to develop their careers. Training needs equals “gaps” between the current and desired condition and we need to close the gaps through training, mentoring etc.
So then I guess we first need to know what the desired conditions (expected levels of performance) are. So here is my first question, let’s say for a shop floor food worker what could those be for human safety, quality and food safety?
Secondly when we have our list of expected levels of performance how do we measure the employee’s performance? Do you use a 1-10 level or something and who scores, is the individual involved? Is it subjective/objective?
I can see the outcome being a prioritized list of training needs that we can work on and measure again next year as per PDCA.
Thoughts and example documents would be greatly appreciated.
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