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Recognition - The Power Of The Pen

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

  • IFSQN Admin
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Manchester
  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 17 February 2004 - 10:07 PM

Olympic Gold Medals. The Oscars. The Emmys. A Noble Peace Prize.
The Stanley Cup. The Kennedy Center Lifetime Achievement Awards.

The closest most of us get to any one of these honors is to watch the ceremonies through a T.V. screen. We see the recipients radiate, sometimes with tears streaming down their faces while they thank all those who supported them in realizing their dream. The emotion chokes us. The elation lifts us. For a moment we soar along with them. We can imagine those feelings of acknowledgment, of being seen, being heard, of knowing that our life's work has been recognized.

We then turn the television off, and it's back to "the real world". In the business environment I have witnessed people being absolutely oblivious to thanking others for the magnificent jobs they do day in and day out. It is simply astounding. What's even more astonishing to me is that not only do most leaders forget to recognize others, they don't even recognize themselves and the contributions they make to their own company.

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