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Effective food safety management system auditing

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • United Kingdom
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  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 25 June 2016 - 02:27 PM

Effective food safety management system auditing


Taking place:


Friday, July 01, 2016 - 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM UK Time

This is a 10.00 AM Eastern US Start




David Rosenblatt, Director of Training and Veterinary Consultant, Sher Consulting and Training


Webinar Overview:


Some of the most notorious food safety tragedies happened at sites that had been audited by internal and external auditors. When we read the investigative reports and are exposed to some of the non-conformities found to have led to these incidents, we can’t help but to ask ourselves, how could these violations have gone unnoticed by the auditors? Food safety auditing is a trade that must be mastered. It involves skills beyond those required for performing an inspection, and the differences between inspecting and auditing must be clear in order for the audit to be more than a glorified inspection. This lecture will shed light on some of the key elements required to perform an effective food safety audit and can be beneficial for auditors and auditees alike. 


Webinar Recording >>

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

  • IFSQN Admin
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Manchester
  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 01 July 2016 - 06:36 PM

Unedited chat logs from today's webinar:


Wayne Wang - yes

Torjo - Hi! Greetings from Guadalajara, Jalisco

Wayne Wang - I am here

Wayne Wang - number one?

Rosemarie Kwan - Hello from Manila, Philippines

Robert - Good morning from Belfast, Maine - USA

reynaldo - reynaldo frm phils hete

Olena - Hi from Toronto.   Olena

Jumoke - Morning all

SCPCI Davao - hi..from the philipines

Lori - Hi from NJ!

Maggie - Good morning from Tennessee, USA

Pascal - Hi from Lyon (France)

Emma - Good morning all

Bev - Good Morning from California

RALIJERSON - Hi from Madagascar !

Kamorudeen - good afternoon from nigeria

Alzbeta Korcekova - Good afternoon from Slovakia. Alzbeta

Jane - Afternoon All

Barrie Trevena - Greetings from Cornwall, UK!

Jumoke - all the way from Trinidad W.I.

Sara Festerman - Good morning from Michigan!

yoga - hello from Runcorn

mohan - hello every one i am from uganda

Steve - Hello

Victor - Good morning from Puerto Rico

Jo - Hello from Madera CA

Frank - Beautiful morning from Ventura. CA at the Beach

Sue - good morning from  appleton wisconsin

Isabela - Hi from Brazil!

Luis Aresta - Hi from Portugal

Laura Higgins - Good morning from Hartland Wisconsin

MeiWai - Hi from Malaysia

Alina - Hi,  Alina, Russia

Teresa - Hello Simon and David and all, from Oporto, Portugal

Edwarda - Hello from PL

Sree prakash - Hello everyone from NZ


Natalia  - Hello from Russia

Dusan - Hello from Serbia

Frank - I have no audio

AJAY  - Hi

Miguelle Corbette - Hello from Dominica WEST INDIES

faeze - Hi everyone, faze from Australia

Sumita - hi from Los Angeles

Maggie - A


Sumita - perform audits

Lori - B

Michael - Hello from Manchester

Helen - Hello from Appleton WI



Jennifer - good morning from Idaho

Isela - Food Science Student :) I used to work in a FSSC team

Wayne Wang - I am from Taiwan

SCPCI Davao - slides aren't clear

Valéria - c

SCPCI Davao - unclear slides

Marina - Hi! From Waterloo, Wisconsin

Imran jamal - His simon

Tadas Plauska - Hello from UK

Narongchai - louder please

Joyce - Slides are not clear - fuzzy.

Mopelola Sodipo - hello from NIGERIA

Alina - Hi from Siberia

Alda - Hi from Albania

GINA - Hello from Pgh PA

Maria Perez - Hello, from Florida USA

Andres - Volume is ok!

lorraine leija - C

Kevin - Second party auditor in China.

Bev - Can the volume be turned up on Dr. David's end? 

SCPCI Davao - volume is ok here

Dennis - Hello From Cerro gordo, IL. USA

Emmanuel - Emmanuel from Birmingham, UK....HI all

Sara Festerman - Sound is good from here!

SCPCI Davao - slides aren't clear

SUE - Greetings from Florida

faeze - I am a PhD student and doing research on food counterfeiting in China

Rosemarie Kwan - no prob on sound.  very good from here.

Luis Aresta - sound ok

Simon - slides are not so good to view

Sue - its good

Emily - good

Sumita - good

Kelly - sound is good

Kitty - Sound is oke

Izabella Simplício - Sound is goof

Helen - good

Maggie - Sound and Slides are good in Manchester TN

Izabella Simplício - *good

Alina - good

Joyce - Can the slide quality be improved?

Wayne Wang - sometihing worng

Amelia - sound is good

AJAY  - good

Stephanie - turned my sound up and it's fine

Kathy  - good

Jo - SOUND Good

Wayne Wang - not image now

Brenda - sound is fine thanks - no earphones

Sree prakash - Good

RALIJERSON - it is ok  for me

Kehinde - Good

Tadas Plauska - this time sound is perfect compared to the ones in the past from David, excellent presenter but was so sorry i couldnt hear properly in the past

Laura Higgins - no sound

Narongchai - Simon,your voice is Ok

David Levy - Shalom everybody from ISRAEL !!!

Stephanie - Slides are a bit out of focus but not objectionably so

mohan - the letters are not clear

lorraine leija - SOUND IS LOW

Neil - sound is low

Narongchai - Dr. David's voice is low

reynaldo - reynaldo frm phils

Rose Leah Palo - Hello everyone

Simon - very difficult to read slides

lorraine leija - I can hear Simon loud and clear. Dr. Rosenblat is low

Simon Timperley - Nothing we can do about sound or visual on our end.

Anish Habiba - Hello from Kuwait

Ronald Wiseman - Good morning everyone

Steve - Sound and resolution fine

Wayne Wang - good night

Steve - I can no longer hear the audio.

Heidi - Steve - I had to restart

mohan - no

Narongchai - I will attend the recording later, bye. Thanks for both Simon and David.

HORI - texts on slide are not clear  and unreadable pleae!

mohan - the slides are not clear

SCPCI Davao - same here hori

Emma Fonseca - hi

mohan - hi

Emma Fonseca - from México

Toky Olivier RAZANAKOTONARIVO - Hello everybody, I can not hear audio nor watch videos. I have problem with internet connection. Sorry.

HORI - if it cannot be helped  I will mange by audioonly. I just thought to send the feedback

simao - Portugal

DAPO - pls, the slides are not clear

Toky Olivier RAZANAKOTONARIVO - Me, I'm from Madagascar

Paula Severino - Good afternoon from Portugal

Benjie RL - hello good evening from Indonesia

Anabell Payes - Good Morning from El Salvador, Central America

faeze - I really want to know what is a difference between auditing and vulnerability assessment?

Bisi - Very good

Sabina - Good morning Sabina from Texas

Paul - Good day, Paul from Nebraska, USA

Carlton - Good Morning Carlton Patterson from California

FAYAJ - hello from India

Simon Timperley - Hello food safety friends, welcome to you all.

mohan - thank you mr. siman

Purdey - Good morning everyone!!! Purdey from Trinidad in the Caribbean

faeze - Thanks Mr Simon

Ieva - Good day from Lithuania

Brane - Hello everybody from Bosnia

James - Thats the metaphor I use, do you hide problems from your doctor? or do you want him to find what is wrong so it can be fixed or improved

Purdey - That is a good metaphor

Simon Timperley - Love Auditing :-)

Purdey - I love auditing too Simaon....

Purdey - Simon

Paul - Great comment James

Kirsten - A good audit is thoughtful and fair -- I always want to learn something during an audit (but I need a good score, too)!

Sarika Agarwal - Why do people try hiding things during Audit? is it just for not getting the NCs

Bruce - the doctor metaphor works from the auditor communication POV as well - i.e. "I am here to help you, not hurt you"

Robert - Bruce, I agree

Bruce - helps to know more than just the item number - but also the logic as to why that item is important

Sarika Agarwal - For sure everybody wants to improvize the system

James - James Scott

elsa - hi from Finland

Kirsten - Sarika - not everybocy unfortunately

mohan - yes kirsten you are right

Brian - So, how do you effectively balance the fact that you need to get a good score to effectively continue in business (i.e. keep from losing customers) and allowing your weaknesses to be exposed (whether intentionally or unintentionally) during an audit, in order to improve?

Bisi - I agree

YOUSSEF - Hi from Egypt

Sara Festerman - Great question Brian!

feyisara - having serious issues with video. may have to wait for replay

Bruce - Brian, if you find out what your weaknesses are you can address them head on and make your system more robust

anamagreth - Cant hear

Bev - Would you be able to provide the sites that show the latest incidents? 

Sabina - I'm the SQF Practitioner in an Ice Cream plant and my audit is next week so im going to brush up on all things Blue bell as a refresher

Sabina - just in case my auditor is on here

Simon Timperley - Fantastic Sabina.

Brian - Bruce, I understand that - but if you expose too much for the sake of learning, you risk failing the audit...and if you go out of business because you lose your certification, you won't have anything left to improve...right?

Heidi - Where do you get the latest incidents from?  Is there a site that you can subscribe to?

Simon Timperley - good point Brian.

Rafael Garcia - Hi from Puerto Rico

irene - hi from Cyprus

Bruce - if the audit exposes so many issues that you fail - then surely you are better off to know that than cover up and have a bigger issue down the track

Marina - Heidi - I get it daily emails from Food Safety News

Brian - Don't get me wrong - I've also been an auditor, so I've been on both sides of the table...I know the frustrations from both sides.

Sabina - the smiling guy

Emmanuel - the guy on the right, smiling

Jennifer - Heidi, I subscribe to Food Safety News which has articles about recalls and also links to the FDA recall site as well.

mohan - the smiling guy

Julia - Marler Clark/Food Safety News, NutraIngredients, FDA recall notices...

Brian - Not everything that is exposed in an audit and results in a nonconformance is necessarily a true food safety risk.  Because audits are written in a general format that is used for a wide variety of applications, there will always be elements that don't necessarily apply...but are still required

Raul - Hello.

maria  - HELLO

Paul - Hi from East Lansing MI. I have a client who is so afraid of what would happen to his small business if he had an incident that he goes out of his way to cooperate.

Heidi - Thanks Jennifer.

Bruce - Columbo approach worked as he always placed himself as not smart

Sarika Agarwal - I Know not everybody are there are for sure a lot. Still the fear of audit is there in the people, they don't take it as a way of improvement. Most of the time its about scores :)

Rose Karuma - Hi everyone !Rose from kenya

Rashmi - Couls any one tell me how to get the food safety news in my email.

mohan - hi rashmi

mohan - there is a web site

mohan - we have to create a account and register

Rashmi - ok which one  Mohan

mohan - then you can get regularly

Julia - http://www.foodsafet...e/#.V3Z_8PkrKUk

Rashmi - Thanks Buddy.

Bruce - As an auditor I always have a "no surprises" approach - tell people what you are noting, and provide the opportunity to debate the point as you can get to real underlying causes of issues

mohan - www.ifsqn.com also rashmi

Brian - Good approach, Bruce...I do the same thing.

Sarika Agarwal -  YEs Bruce I do the same

Rashmi - Thanks Mohan. Got it

mohan - good luck

Nuraini - Ditto to Bruce

Niesha - Hi everyone

ANTHONY - Thanks Julia.

Andres - Use the "5 Why's"

Aurora  - Good morning

Niesha - Andres list the 5 Whys please

Simon Timperley - http://www.ifsqn.com...methodology-r51

Niesha - The Behavioral Based Food Safety is very good and informative

Rashmi - I found most of the auditors just check procedure. Just to make sure that the requirements are mentioned in the procedure or not. But they dont check that actually the procedure has been followed at the production floor or not. I check that whether the Procedure say actually what emplyees do.

Nuraini - Andres, not the 5W and 1H? what, where, when, who, why and how

Niesha - That's what I was thinking @ Nuraini

Niesha - According to ISO 22000:2005 it states you must analyse verification activities. I want to know how you do that

Rose Karuma - very interesting,learning alot!

Bruce - It has all stopped for me - is it my system?

Andres - http://www.safetyris...cause-analysis/

Simon Timperley - Think so Bruce

Niesha - Thanks for the link Andres, will check it out later

Nuraini - Thanks Andres

Kapil - thk

Nuraini - Verification of verification activities are very helpful to gauge how far audiee understand the procedures

Niesha - I think this (Auditor tactics) will help as it relates to my current concern on "analysis of verification activities"...I think

Luis Aresta - thanks to all for the links

Austin - error occurred, webinar not working anymore

Izabella Simplício - The same happens to pest control: many pest control operators don't make a trend analysis of the weekly/fortnighly inspections they do.

Anabell Payes - Could you give us examples of verification and validation of the GMPs

Nuraini - have to refresh the feed.. ok now

mohan - hi niesha

Niesha - Hi Mohan

Sumita - can't see and error occured

Shahzad Amjad Shahzad - What type of smartphone applications are available for recording food safety events?

Joven - try recon sumita

MeiWai - slide not clear

mohan - do you know how we can give the significans for the risk assesment in haccp plans

Brian - Can you supply the link to the investigative report?

Niesha - Such a tragic occurrence

Nuraini - Is it this http://www.cpha.ca/u...-lirs-rpt_e.pdf ?

Nuraini - the incidence in 2008

Niesha - Second @ Brian

Simon Timperley - Thanks Niesha.

Rose Karuma - in iso 22000 clause 8.4.2 the organisation has to evaluate individual verification results.i need to undestand it clear.pliz help

Toky Olivier RAZANAKOTONARIVO - Shahzad Amjad Shahzad> What do you mean on Food Safety events?

Niesha - Thanks Nuraini

Nuraini - can go here to http://www.inspectio...25780005?chap=2

Simon Timperley - Sorry thanks Nuraini

Toky Olivier RAZANAKOTONARIVO - Very interesting

Nuraini - No problem.., has the video stopped?

Shahzad Amjad Shahzad - Mr. Toky, I mean food safety instances which may contribute to produce a hazard in food

Luella - How do you work the Audit Trail for Raw or Packaging Materials Supplier Audits?

Niesha - I feel like a webinar like this requires a part 2

Tadas Plauska - Really great presentation

Steve - Excellent webinar, Thank you!

Robert - Very informative, Thank You

Niesha - So true Simon

Toky Olivier RAZANAKOTONARIVO - ok, I don't know any application for that now. May be we need to create one...

Julia - Yes, excellent webinar and side discussion today.  Thanks everyone.

Tatiana - Very very good webinar! Thank you!

Paula Severino - Hi simon, I have a question! How the auditor can make the relaxed atmosphere during an audit?

Goldi Chauhan - Thank you very much :-)

FAYAJ - Excellent Presentation thanks

Sarika Agarwal - IS it recommended to take phone  calls  ( Personal or Official) during the audit ?

Rosemarie Kwan - That was  a lot of  experience and knowledge shared . One hour is not enough..

Teresa - Thank you Simon and David

YOUSSEF - thanks Simon

Shahzad Amjad Shahzad - Thanks, very nice presentation...

Brian - You can't refuse an FDA audit

Maggie - If I had only 30 minutes, i would head to the floor.

Bruce - Sarika - never take calls during the audit - it is very unprofessional

Rosemarie Kwan - Thank you !

mohan - ya its right

Marina - Thank you! Great Webinar!

Niesha - According to ISO 22000:2005, an organization is suppose to analysis results from their verification activities. Can you recommend documents/ document links that can help guide me in properly doing this?

Rose Karuma - Great Nuraini

Sarika Agarwal - Thanks Bruce... is that told during the training of LAC

RALIJERSON - thank you for sharing your experience !

Arquelio - OMG Great Statement Not to lean on consultant but the team is involved..

Laura Higgins - One of the best and most informative Webinars I have attended lately!  i usually work through them, but I was glued to this one.  Your passion in the subject ignited mine.  Thank-you

Steve - Thank you for the advice in handling behaviorial aspects of an audit.  Ive found that is one of the biggest challenges.

Sara Festerman - Agree 100% Laura! Ditto!

Paul - I have noticed that organizations that are very open to audits also seem to have the most extensive training programs for their staff and staff and management follow-up to test the effectivness of the training.

Nuraini - Arquelio : Yes!

Alzbeta Korcekova - I also agree with Laura

Lori - Very informative, thank you!

Bruce - Paul - I have seen the same thing

ANTHONY - Thank you

Ana - Thank you

Jose - Thanks

Edwarda - It's excellent!!! I would like to hear and learn much much more

Julia - For future knowledge-I wouldn't mind a training on reviewing HACCP plans of suppliers.

Joven - Great Webinar!Excellent inputs and shared experiences!Thank You!

M Junaid Arif - gREAT

Nuraini - Please have Part 2 and subsequent for this - it is a great topic

Emma Fonseca - thanks

Anabell Payes - Hearing all the things that you said about the employees bathroom, the attitude of the attendees I thought that these was only a problem in Central America but is a global issue, is the same in the plants in the UK ?

Raul - Nice!

Ana - Excelente presentation

lorraine leija - very informative webinar today. Thank you!

Natalia  - Thank you very much - it is great material in additional to my "money (knowledge) box"

Nuraini - i wish the audio is good on my part

M Junaid Arif - How we investigate allergens?

Luella - Thanks for the answer David!

Niesha - Please have PART 2 on this Topic, I feel there is so much more to learn!

Ana - Excelent webinar

Sree prakash - Good informative we bin

ANTHONY - If there is tension then it's an indication that the auditee is unprepared.

SCPCI Davao - is it okay to audit a packaging material plant, say plastic packaging, to be audited against HACCP standards when they are not HACCP certified?

Paula Severino - Thank you for the answer!!

Nuraini - Sometimes auditees are not cooperattive, and just skirting to answer. How do we go about that? I had such experience and it kinda drive me nuts!

mohan - mr. siman you are not explained to my question

Sree prakash - Good informative webinar. Thanks Simon and David.

Mario - Thanks a lot

Joven - If they have a HACCP system SCPCI Then I think yes

Edwarda - Great Great! Thank you!


ANTHONY - More power to you David and Simon !!

Robert - Very Powerful presentation!

AJAY  - Thank you all

JAYANT - Great Webinar

yoga - Avery good webibar. Very infromative. Thanks David!

Niesha - SAME to you David!

Jennifer - Thank you! Great webinar

Edwarda - I agree with Brexit :-)

Valéria - Thank you!!

Kathy - Damn too late!!

David Levy - Thanks Simon and David for the very interesting webinar!!! Shabat Shalom!!!

Andres - thanks a lot!!

Arquelio - Great Presentation

Ana - What is the best proceso to verifique the HACCP

Niesha - NNNOOOOO Webinar?!!! Crying

Luella - Thanks Simon and David!

YOUSSEF - Thanks David and Simon

Kathy - sorry stuffed up time

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