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How to avoid stupid audit non-conformances

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • United Kingdom
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  • Gender:Male
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  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 09 June 2017 - 06:39 PM

How to avoid stupid audit non-conformances


Taking place:

Friday, June 16, 2017 - 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM UK Time

This is a 10.00 AM Eastern US Start

Amanda Evans, Food Safety Compliance Specialist, Certified Auditor and Trainer, HACCP Mentor

Webinar Overview:

Any type of audit of your work systems and practices can be a daunting process to go through. After 20+ years of auditing regulatory, compliance and certification standards, I have often reflected on why one company can obtain a good audit result when another company performs poorly.  What I have observed is that there are common practices that have contributed to both successful audit outcomes and audit failures. Regardless of the type of audit, there are a range of easy to implement strategies that will ensure your Company gets through this process. The strategies and information contained in this presentation will help you to avoid stupid non-conformances and be more organised for your next audit.   


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    IFSQN...it's My Life

  • IFSQN Admin
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Manchester
  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 16 June 2017 - 06:14 PM

Chat logs from today's webinar.


frank : Morning from New Mexico
Dayke Leon : hELLO FROM aRUBA
James : hello
Mathew : hello
Chad : Good Morning All
Justin Loncar : Good mngorni
fayaj pathan : hI
Tina : Hi from Australia
Georgia : Good morning
Manfred : hello
Laura : Good morning from Cleveland
Hassan : Hi guys 
Garry Scrivens : Hello
Kevin : Hello from Los Angeles
Elaine Cadrin : Hello to all.
Ella : Hello from Canada
Willi : Hello from The Netherlands!
Hadda : Hi from  Maryland 
Denis : Good Morning from Montreal
Jordan : Louisville, KY here
MARIA JOAO CARDOSO : Good afternoon from Portugal
Sheila : Hello from Rochester, NY
John : Hi from Texas
Ray : Hello
Liliya Kucher : HELLO from CORNWALL UK, it is very hot today!
Kalley : Good Morning from North Carolina!
Benjie R. Luy : Good evening Everyone, speaker and host,Sir ST
Robert : Hello from OHIO
Aurea : Hi from Mexico
Anggoro : hello from indonesia
Terina : hello from CO!
mohamed : hi from Chad
Patricia de García : Good morning from Guatemala, the land of eternal spring!
Fernando Suarez : Hello from Chile
dyah : Hello from Germany
abbass : hello
Christina : Good morning from Chicago!
Aliyu : Hellow everyone, from Abuja, Nigeria
Chitrangani : Hello from Edmonton, Canada
Jimmy : Afternoon From Devon
Jacinthe : hello from Levis, Qc, Canada
Benjie R. Luy : joiningwebinar from  Indonesia
Alvaro : Hi everybody I´m Alvaro from Mexico.
Katrin Laikoja : Hello from Tartu, Estonia
julie : Hello from Norfolk
Lupita : Hello from Mexico
Sarah : Morning from washington
KATHY : Hello from Seattle WA USA
Sonia : Hello from Barbados
Alex Velte : Hello from NYC
Michael : Hello from Saudi Arabia
Urszula Walczak : Hi fom \poland
Nithiya : Hi
Ken : getting an error, anyone else?
Dianne : Hello from Toronto, Canada
stacey : Error message on screen. Help!
Clinton Parchment : Clinton from JA
Emily : hello
Jauke : Hi from Holland
Benjie R. Luy : hi madam Amanda E.
Mayela : Hello from Canada
Elizabeth : hello from Canada
Tina : yes...an error in Australia
Marisa : Hello from Northwest Iowa, US
Jauke : When you have an error, please try Chrome.
Sujit Kumar : Hi Sujit from India Punjab
Jerson : having a problem here. An error occurred. 
Chitrangani : Yes Error message in the screen 
Yehia : Hi every body from Cairo, Egypt
Afton : Good morning Simon! Good to see you again!! 
Joanne : Hello
Maggie : HEll from the USA; Tennessee
Marisa : Using Chrome, still error
Orlando : Error on message screen
Tara : website not working
Emily : video not loaded yet
Afton : Maine, USA :) 
Ray : Error occurred
Benjie R. Luy : Jem ,Are u here already?
Justin Loncar : can hear and see
Kevin : Error on the screen
Aurea : i see you and hear you well
Terina : yes I can here & see you
sherry : Hello from Ohio, USA
Maggie : I can hear and see.  No issues here!
jennifer : Seeing you fine
Carol : Everything is good
Gabriela : Good morning!
Ken : Refresh you browser.
Heidi : I see and hear you
Katie : Working for us in NY!
Monique : I can here and see you
MARIA JOAO CARDOSO : hearing and seeing you in good conditions
Claudio : GOOD HERE !
Sarah : I'm not hearing anything.
Isobel : All goo d
Robert : can hear and see
steve : all ok ... reload after an error
Joanne : I can see and hear you
julie : I can hear and see - Julie
Dianne : try refreshing the page if you are already using chrome
jim Thompson : Hi, can see and hear.  
Sarah : nevermind
pamela whitehall : Hi from Barbados
Kelley : All fine here
Alan : OK in Hull, UK
Mark : Hello from Kansas
stacey : Got it! Hello from Wisconsin!
Anggoro : all good
Elizabeth : good here
Garry Scrivens : i can see you and hear you
Chad : all good here
John : System is working fine in London
Chris : Hey, Chris from Mississippi
Mathew : all good
Mohamed : hi
steve : good morning from wisconsin
Marisa : Good after refreshing page!
ColleenJoy : Hi everyone - from Russia
Boonyawadee : Hello from Thailand
Aliyu : audio is freezing intermittently
Mohsin : Hi everyone from dubai
David Levy : SHALOM everybody from ISRAEL!!!
Jim : Hello from Atlanta. Jim
Carol-Ann : HI from Vermont
Helene : Hello from NY
eric : Hi all, uk
Deborah : Hi from Singapore
Mike : :) Utah
Brian : Greetings from Southern Minnesota
Ruben Mariscal : hi from Celaya, Mx
Aliyah Ramdin : Antigua
Rachel Ellis : North Carolina
Jerson : Philippines
Vivian : Greetings from Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Patricia : Good morning from Jamaica
Stephen : All is well good reception from Trinidad
Monique : hello from Oregon
Debi Verkamp : Good morning
Wayne : Hello
Blossom : Hello ,from Calgary Canada
JWinkelman : Hello!
morad : hi 
Farah : Hello from Montreal, Canada
morad : morad from egypt
Niesha : Good day everyone
Susy Sandoval : Hi from Toronto
Latif Miah : hi eveyone1
Pinky : Hello from Pinky Patel, Dunn, North Carolina, USA
Niesha : Hello Everyone from Jamaica
Joi : Hello from Indianapolis, IN
Rachel Robinson : Hello from Chicago
Hoatran : Hi fron VN
Simon Timperley : Happy Friday Food Safety Friends!
Yusufu : Hello from MA. U.S
Carlton : Hello
TD : problem with the start?
Carlton : From Jamaica
Niesha : Thanks Simon and same to you!
Vickie : Hello from MS, US
Kimberly : Hi from Fort Worth, TX!
Joanne : Hello everyone from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jennifer : Hello from La Crosse, WI
Purdey : Hello from Trinidad
Rene : Hello from Winnipeg Mb.
Magdalena Viertel : Hi from Chile, Santiago
Mohamed : Hellow
Raymond : hello from Malta
Amrin : Is it just slide show?
Justin Loncar : yes
Rosie : hello from the UK
Carolin : Hi from Norway 
Simon Timperley : what were you hoping for Amrin?
eric : No Amrin, not just slide show, Simon will be back on later
Amrin : oh ok. thank you
Dan : Good morning all from Cali, USA....I have no expectations just want to hear new ideas
nkwekam : Hello from Cameroon
Frank : Hello from New Jersey, USA!!!
Nithiya : Hi everyone from Canada
Niesha : The QA and Plant Manager must have had a heart attack
DEBORAH GARCIA : Hello from suuny San Francisco Bay California
Daniel Serebour : How do I get my certificate?
Tina : Food businesses that I have audited had no notice of the  audit and I had similar frightening experiences
Anne Marie : Hello everyone from Middletown, NY
Jason : I can't see anytihng
Jason : It says an error occured
Alan : I keep getting short breaks in Amanda's audio.
Steven : Mop in a urinal? Crazy
Simon Timperley : Hang fire Daniel
Denis Murphy : is everyone ealse hearing something as all I hear is a machine turning over
DEBORAH GARCIA : Hit reconnect at the bottom of the page.
Denis Murphy : and stuck on slide 1
Sarah : Insanity, the urinal story.
Maggie : I'm hoping she will soon get to the "how to avoid" part.
Joanne : Change to Google Chrome Denis
Rene : People do the dumbest things!
Sundus : Hi
eric : Surely he should have known this already? or was it a first audit?
Robert : How does one instill ownership on these
PALLARES ALFRED : A pitty for not having subtittle translation fot those who are not english speakers!
Jason : Gracias
Jason : I'm good now
Gabriel503984 : Hello from Fresno CA
Susy Sandoval : Can an auditor give you an non conformance for an item outside your scope 
Simon Timperley : is youtube blocked in your business clara?
Chillida : Hi from Spain
Stephen : Stephen from Trinidad got it
Maggie : Susy, No, an auditor cannot give a NC for an item outside the scope.  Audirotors are to follow the audit document.
filomena : Hello from Portugal
asatamaria67 : good morning from San Diego
Dipendra : Hi all, good morning
Judith Hutchinson : I find its not the senior management who have a problem committing, its middle management from different departments. Getting this is easier said than done!
Philip : I can hear but no presentation visible from my end
Teresa : Hello Mrs Amanda and Mr Simon, from Oporto Portugal
Philip : Can't see the presentation
eric : Getting financial commitment in small businesses can be vrery difficult
nkwekam : Susy I do not think so in food safety but in ISO 14001 yes
Tricia : Tricia from Trinidad
Rene : The more personnel involved in the program, the more problems generally arise.
Declan Blanchfield : I agree to a degree Judith. SM under cost pressures to invest in resources to allow middle management to manage 
Amrin : I am not bale to hear anything
Tina : Susy, if the non-compliance is a serious food safety issue, an auditor will usually report and escalate immediately
eric : How does omitting a certain area of your business affect an audit, and indeed how an auditor would percieve the area in which you do not want to include in the audit?
Robert : Are there persons our there that have been audited to the BRC Packaging 5
Judith Hutchinson : Good point Declan, often SM do under cost.
nkwekam : Eric the auditor takes time to propare for the audit
Maggie : Eric,  Omitting a certain area sends the message  you are tyring to hide something.
nkwekam : He has to understand the business
eric : Thats what I thought too maggie. 
Kimberly : Eric - it's best to discuss any areas that you want to omit and why before an audit. It it's off limits due to construction or just because it's messy....not a good reason. But if it's not in the scope of the audit because a customer controls it, for example, and only that 1 customer's items are... 
Kimberly : produced there, that's a better reason.
nkwekam : Thats why your scope should be well defined
Dayke : i have had that case and as long as the actual reasons are explained and valid they would not have a problem with excluding that area, proces or item
Rene : Exceptions must be legally agreed on by the auditing firm.
Chris : An audit preperation practice that was benificial at my facility was creating "audit prep" questions for management to review at random with individual employees. This helped them be prepared for any questions the auditor may ask and made them think of their role in promoting food safety.
Kimberly : Me too Chris! I love that document.
Brian : I just love the fact that she keeps calling all of these things stupid - so many people are worried about being politically correct and not offending anyone; it's refreshing to hear someone call it like it really is!!
Robert : Many standards have Self Audits prepared
Declan Blanchfield : same here, audit day check list in place - favorite doc. 
LaToya Jones : where is that free checklist?
Dawn Allwein : Where can I find such a checklist?
Kim : where can I find the SQF checklists?
Brian : Amanda, do you recommend using the actual audit form itself as your internal audit as well?  For example, if we're pursing SQF certification, would it be best for us to use the SQF Audit as our internal audit as well?
Susy Sandoval : can you post the website that have free check list for internal audits?
Chris : Could you provide a link to the SQF and/or IFS audit checklist downloads that Ms. Evans-Lara discusses?
MARIA JOAO CARDOSO : IFS audit manager for who has IFS certification, its also a mobile phone app
eric : I dont believe Amanda is speaking Live Brian..
Sheila : SQF audit checklists:   https://www.sqfi.com/documents/
Zoe : We internally audit for each HACCP pre-requisite and also every clause of the standard as a gap analysis.
Abdulrahman : Thank you for the facts of findings
Andrea : Thank you for the SQF audit checklists link
eric : How many Auditors are present here today?
Robert : Internal auditors???
Tina : I am an internal auditor in Australia, soon to be in the UK
Jema : Hi
Simon Timperley : i sense a poll
Vickie : I am an Internal Auditor
Rene : I do Audits internally.
Declan Blanchfield : or an audit Simon...:)
Jill : I am an internal auditor.
Sheila : internal auditor
Simon Timperley : about 2/3rds eric. :-)
Maggie : I voted but I am a Third Party Auditor; not an internal auditor.  I audit train and consult.
Zoe : I am the Site Compliance Auditor
eric : Thank you Simon, Good to Know.
Niesha : Internal auditor
Jennifer : Third party auditor
Declan Blanchfield : Training is cumbersome to keep all on the current issue of each required procedure - are folks using software instead of paper & excel? 
asatamaria67 : I am HACCP manager
Joanne : I am an internal auditor.
nkwekam : HSEQ consultant
Kameel : internal auditor
Niesha : Using both Declan
Heidi : Third Party Auditor/Consultant
Daniel Serebour : Can we print this information afterwards?
Maggie : Declan, lots of sites use Alchemy for training.  It keekps good training records as well as  you can upload all your training programs.
Tina : Declan, Software is good to train staff, paper is good to do a prep audit checklist
Vickie : Thank You!
James : any recommendations for Auditor Training Certifications so you can be an audit trainer for your company?
Niesha : Does anyone have a know how in relation to staff training where staff are trained, the evaluation results were good, but they still do stupid things?
Robert : SGS has a 2 day webinar
Bonita Russell : My list of stupid non-conformance:  Table of Content for procedures and controlled documents not up to date,  No forms control, or wrong forms being used even with form control, 
Patricia : Great reminders...Thank you for a good presentation.
Amrin : thanks
nkwekam : Niesha in that case it is the company's food safety culture
Dayke : after proper training comes proper supervision otherwise the training is not only forgoten but neglected
Maggie : James, many auditing companies provide auditor training and provide certificates.
Adriana : thanks, very interesting
Jennifer : Thank you.
stacey : Thank you!
Maggie : Niesha, you need to change the Food Safety Culture.
Frank : Thank you Amanda and Simon
Kimberly : THANKS!
asatamaria67 : Thank you!
eric : Nice presentation from Amanda, please pass on my thanks :-)
Katrin Laikoja : Thank you!
Dayke : a cook picking food from the floor and throwing it back in the pan, in front of an external auditor
Zoe : Apple core found on a toilet sanitary bin
Justin Loncar : Thanks Simon
Rene : Bag of chocolates found in processing area.
Ella : Thank you!
Tina : Crazy non-compliance - 23 mice breeding under a pastry mixer in a bakery
nkwekam : thanks for the great presentation
Fernando Suarez : Thanks Amanda
Patricia de García : Thank you Amanda and Simon!
James : We want to have one person within our company training as a certified audit trainer so we can train our employees. We have looked at FSSC2200 auditor training
dyah : Thanks Amanda for the presentation, thanks Simon for hosting the webinar k
Niesha : Thank you for the webinar
Jerry : Orgtanics audit NC We forgot to pay the bill lol
MARIA JOAO CARDOSO : a worker that came inside the facility and remembered we were being audited. she had brought an orange and(still had pockets in her overall) and just removed it from her pocket and put it in the tray washer
Dawn Allwein : Never able to download certificates.  I get an error every time
Robert : Cough drops in computer stand
Teresa : thank you Mr Simon, have a nice weekend also to Mrs Amanda
Mohamed : Dripping from evaporator  
Julia Haas : I had a warehouse employee put a piece of gum in his mouth while speaking to me!
Keven : stupid NC : an employee decided to clean his office on his own with his own chemicals, the day before the audit... left them on his desk 
Suzan : Hi from lebanon.an internal Auditor .thank you
Niesha : What I got from this is to have case scenarios to help prepare staff for upcoming audit
nkwekam : taking lunch at duty post
Tina : Mould in a cake display case touching the cakes...a customer purchased one
Stephanie : a windy day turned two outside pest control stations around facing the wrong way...
Marcelina Leyton : Seafood HACCP Manager
Jerry : Thanks Simon, great web as usual
Kimberly : Janitors ran out of chemicals to clean the restrooms and started filling their cleaning bottles with water.
Aliyu : uncalibrated probe thermometer
Hoatran : Thanks you all
Susy Sandoval : an agency employee asked who is the president of my plant
Dawn Allwein : Cannot use drop box where I work
Robert : Thanks Simon...this is very helpful
Jacinthe : Thank you!
nkwekam : shaking hands with the auditor and cleaning on your JACKET
ramzy howait : thanks,Simon
ROCHELLE : How long are the certificates avaialble for after the webinar date?
LaToya Jones : you can save it as a picture and then print it 
Raymond : diarrhea medicine found in pastry area
Benjie R. Luy : Thanks ST & AE
Georgia : snickers bar in maintenance tool box
Niesha : They can download it directly to their computer rather than Dropbox (it gives you the option) for the cetrtificate
Robert : UPS delivery walked in wiht open coffee cup
Keven : an employee decided to clean his office on his own with his own chemicals, the day before the audit... left them on his desk 
Fernando Suarez : Thanks Simon.. This very is good 
Kelley : Thanks! 
James : had an auditor ask an production employee what "BRC" letters stood for during our BRC audit
Georgia : thank!
Sheila : Thanks Simon!
Niesha : By everyone
Keven : many thanks
Maggie : James, BRC has been purchased and no longer stands for British Retail Consortium.
Christopher : THANK YOU!!!
David Levy : Thanks!
Aliyu : Temperature records writen in advance of the specified time
Simon Timperley : team@ifsqn.com
Debi Verkamp : Thank you so much! Have a great weekend.
eric : Thank you for hosting Simon, and thank you to Amanda for the presentation.
Latif Miah : thank you 

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