Dear all,
I have been auditing an importer/ wholesaler of bamboo skewers.
Because the HACCP study was very poor, I came interested in risks related to bamboo and wooden skewers.
I have been searching the internet now for a couple of hours, but can hardly find anything useful.
I only have more questions:
- what does the process looks like?
- are sulphur and/ or hydrogen peroxide used (as is suggested on some websites)? And if the answer is yes, how do they get ride of the residues?
- are all skewers steamed before dispatch? (would that not give a deformation of the product?
- which (environmental contaminants) can be in the raw materials of the skewers?
- are there maybe different skewers for different uses? e.g. skewer for fruits or candies might be of another hygiene status than skewers intended to be cooked with meat or fish on it.
I hope there is some one here with more knowledge about the process and hazards of producing skewers.
Process of toothpicks, disposable chopsticks and ice sticks may be comparable.
Warm greetings to all, from the Netherlands.