Chat logs from today's webinar:
Vivian : Good morning from Port Coquitlam, BC. (Greater Vancouver area).
Paul : Good Morning from a sunny but cold East Lansing, MI
Jan : Good morning from North Carolina!
Kay : Good Morning from Texas
jimmy : Hi from sunny Devon
Bruce Johnson : Bruce from Green Bay
Asif ejaz : Good Evening From India.
Frank : Good morning from New Mexico
Rick : good afternoon from the Netherlands
Susy Sandoval : Good morning from Toronto
David : morning from Montreal
Declan Blanchfield : Afternoon from Ireland
Steve : Mornin'
Christain Thomas : Good Morning from Cincinnati Ohio!!!!
Melissa : Good morning from West Bend, WI
Lisa : Good morning from snowy Bufflao NY
Andrea : Andrea from Cleveland!
Vanda : Good morning from cold North Carolina
Niki : Good morning from Minnesota
Lyn Peterson : Good morning from Foggy delta BC
Jennifer : Good morning from Idaho
Kenly Edwards : not hearing
Chi Samuel : Good Day To you all From Cameroon
Steve : audio yet?
Liz : good morning from Vancouver
David : Hello from the UK
Frank : Good morning from Santa Maria, CA
Odette : Good morning from Jamaica
Wayne : Good Morning fromPhiladelphia, PA
Ella : Good morning from Canada
Abdul Salaam Mohammad : Good Evening from Qatar
Odette : No audio
Andrea : audio?
Patricia : patricia hello
tsantacruz : Tina
Susy Sandoval : oh no audio
JUNE : Good Morning from Toronto, Canada
Shijil : Hi
Frank : Your frozen
Jide : good afternoon, am from Nigeria
tsantacruz : Good morning
Lweendo : No, audio and video on my end please help
Lee Ann Heffernan : not working over here
Mugiono : good night from indoneska
Kenly Edwards : yes iam hearing u
Lorri : Mine says video file not found
dario : hi from Croatia
Jack : Hello from Philippines!
Andrea : I have no audio, sadly
paula : good here in oklahoma!
Lee Ann Heffernan : mine says video not found
Kenly Edwards : Good Morning from Grenada
Melissa : Mine also says video file not found
Deanna : Can hear Brita just fine, but Simon keeps cutting in and out.
Aurea : Morning!
Lweendo : I had video but frozen pictures with no sound. I am trying to reconnect now.
Jamie : Hi from Indiana
Frank : Simon keeps scratching
Sharon : Mine is also saying video file not found.
Darla : Hello from nice to receive 'hellos' from around the world!
Mark : Hello from West Texas
Lee Ann Heffernan : mine is saying video not found
Jamie : Good morning from Nebraska, USA
Vivian : Great to see a fellow University of Guelph Food Science alumni. I am from Class of 2005.
Bruce Johnson : Hello from Green Bay
Lee Ann Heffernan : cant hear or see anything
D'Onne : video file not found
Stephanie : The audio is cutting in and out.
Greta : If the video is not found message is happening, try using Chrome browser
irene : Hello from Cyprus!
Timothy Ngwira : good evening from Malawi
Kim : Good Morning from Michigan
Monica : is anyone having problems seeing the video
Milton Delgado : Hello to everybody from Ecuador
David Levy : SHALOM Everybody from ISRAEL!!!
Tricia : No go in WI
Lee Ann Heffernan : yes, the video isnt working for me
Bruce : No video here in Michigan
chandrasekhar : good evening from dubai
Tiffany : Yes i'm using google chrome with no problems so try reconnecting through google chrome
Pinky : Hello from Pinky Patel, Dunn, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Nasr Saeed : Nasr Saeed from Yemen
Andrea : Got video, but no sound. But hey, I'll read the slides. :)
ramzy howait : hi every body
ramzy howait : greetings from egypt !!!!!
Monica : It's working on Chrome
Philrose librado : hi
Bruce : no Chrome on company workstation. Oh well.
alyssa : good morning from sunny New Mexico
tracy : hi.....from chilly Manchester
Simon Timperley : chrome or firefox are good
paula : we could use some of that NM sun alyssa. 15 degrees here!
Lweendo : @Monica, I am using Chrome but experiencing difficulties
Melissa : Installed Google Chrome & it works fine
Frances : Good Morning from Phoenix Arizona
Sharon : using my cellphone with Chrome. Chrome is working & I have both video & audio
Chris Chinapoo : Good morning from Trinidad and Tobago
paula : is anyone seeing the speaker or are we just seeing the slides?
Sharon : Hey Chris - I am also from Trinidad
Vickie : I'm using IE, video and audio working great. I did have to hit the "RECONNECT" button at the top at the beginning
Tricia : I switched to firefox and now it works
Pinky : from Pinky the score 9
Vickie : 2
ramzy howait : 3
Mario : Good Morning from Jamaica
Liz : 7
Christain Thomas : strong 7 maybe and 8
ANN LISK : good Friday morning! from Iowa, USA
Casilda : Good Morning from Tyler Texas
David : Firefox works.
Frank : 10 from Frank of LGMA
Mario : Nice Sunny morning in Jamaica
TRAcey : Hi Ann Lisk
Chitrangani : good day every body
Casilda : Special good morning to the West Indians
Dr.Zeshan : Good evening
Joel : Good Morning All from Brigham City Utah!!
Declan Blanchfield : confidence level would increase with increased SM commitment.
Casilda : Declan that is exactly my belief
mary claire lozarita : hello from Philippines
Charlie : Lost the stream and it won't reconnect.
Michelle : Hello from Somerset England
Alejandro Landa : Hello from San Diego CA
Tausi Abdul Mkalimoto : Hi, good day to everybody from Tanzania.
shahid : Aristotle impressive example
Jairo : Lost the stream
Lee Ann Heffernan : food safety meetings
Jairo : Hello from Boston
Lee Ann Heffernan : food safety meetings
Elaine : including them in program writting
Odette : Building relationships
bob : awareness of the issues
Rajesh : Rewarding operators
Jennifer : creating a team from multiple departments
Karen : Understanding
Melissa : Explaining the 'why' of importance
Cheryl : Responding to Employee Suggestion Box
Patricia : training, food safety meeting4
Pauline : Hello, what does "flash:video file not found" mean?
Charlie : Explain the goal and ask for their imput
Susil Fernando : Daily production meeting with ref to FS
demetri : leadership active
Nicole : make it real
David : staff participation
Odette : trainings
nhammer : relating to people as consumers
David : toolbox talks
Casilda : relationship building
ramzy howait : 1ST managment committment
Iryna Dyachenko : training and on the floor coaching
Kim : Providing resolution ideas
Ella : training
Paul : Monthly meetings where finances are shared and related to their specif efforts
Kenly Edwards : constant training showing the benefits of food safety
Michelle : One on One training
Cassandra : Management Commitment
Houman : ongoing training
Lupita : involve people
Liz : involvement in training; examples of deviations
Mario : Relating Food safety practices to every day life helps employees understand the importance of these practices at work and keeps them engaged. they are more vigilant
Vivian : Goal of improving business opportunities once we get BRC certification. This happened for our customers, could happen for us as well.
Nicole : have practical trainings
Tiffany : Training vs disciplinary action..balance. Also incentives
Rick : approached the transition from ISO to FSSC as a team effort
Susy Sandoval : General trainings
paula : including them in problem solving
irene : compliance checks with scoring - linked to bomus
ANN LISK : Education on problem areas
Megan G. : Get the employees involved, showcase them in videos or testimonials for the company to see. A participatory communication environment.
Vickie : Education--explaining why in terms they can relate to, even in their kitchen at home
Betsy : Talking about the cost
Bruce Johnson : Demonstrate leadership ability to be involved in the design and maintenance in the programs.
Joel : Walking plant showing examples of progress!
Racheal : Explaining WHY we do things and HOW behaviors directly affect food safety/quality.
Christain Thomas : We have done several things. WE implment 5 S systems in which evaluation of areas and getting their inuts for improvements
Elaine : group training
Frances : educate the importance
Monica : We developed a Golden Standard - incorporated FS audits, rewarding & training
David : Weekly food safety meetings
Nicole : take it to their dinner table
Casilda : real time Management commitment
Terina : practicing what you teach
Odette : focused food safety meetings
chandrasekhar : rewards
Liz : monthly audits of the work areas with feedback and talking to operators on the line about why it is so important
Melissa : showing examples of what can happen if good practices aren't followed
Dannyd : regular meetings with employees on food safety
Zoë : Site Meetings with slideshows on food safety management
chandrasekhar : training
Nicole : intergrate audit team
Tami Banks : humanizing
Thomas staskiewicz : clear understanding of possible cross contamination and the risks involved
Dylan : Management commitment
jimmy : shift briefings and involving all parts of the buisness in problem solving
Padraig : Speaking to individuals specifically on their ways of working and how they can then relate to guidelines
jennifer : trainings
paula : setting an example
Jairo : Hellooo
angeline : work side by side with them. Coach and guide. show that you care.
chandrasekhar : monitoring
Jairo : i cant hear or see nothing
ramzy howait : raissing culture exellence
Nicole : hate to say it..but scare them
Pinky : regulatory compliance, job keeping, huddles and trainings
ANN LISK : providing examples of proper methods and rewarding/commending those who demonstrate proper methods
Niesha : lol @ Nicole
Mario : education level
Nicole : lack of understanding the consequences
shahid : brain storming during get together, meetings and break rooms helps great in engaging
Jamie : hold employee's accountable
David : department silos
Vickie : Time
ANN LISK : on site supervision and direction
Charlie : Change of behavior
Chi Samuel : Background Culture
Tiffany : Supervisor/Mgmt commitment and support
Sheena Mueller : fear factor
Rick : get them to look beond their own "box" of activities
Stephanie : Quality Day events - making it fun and educational
chandrasekhar : no senior management commitment
jennifer : they feel its solely the work of the quality team
ANN LISK : to many goals
Zoë : Changing old habits
ANN LISK : time
Houman : communication
Cassandra : people want to cut corners
Jeanne : explain the consequences of unsafe repctices and how it affects them and the business. Involve employees in the success of the company
Rajesh : Capital cost
Michelle : Not enough commitment from higher management
Susil Fernando : individual Commitment to FS
Susy Sandoval : following on food safety culture
Nicole : wrong people int he worng positon
Pinky : Hard tomaccept change for associates, senior management commitment
NIcole Logan : obtaining their buy in after years of experience in the field
Karen : motivation
alyssa : I believe what I call work ethics is what leads to commitment and that stems from upbringing. It is hard to train for that.
ramzy howait : lack of managment commitment
Dannyd : Front line supervisor complacency
Christine Harmon : time
Terina : buy in
Lisa : Old habits
chandrasekhar : no punishment
ANN LISK : untrained and high turnover
Christain Thomas : Its a new program, it means more work for me, and it will do nothing for the overall company
Melissa : dispelling the myth that it's a QUALITY thing only
Liz : understanding what is food safety
NIcole Logan : obtianing total managment commitment
David : changing their behaviour - but tyhe root cause in my experience has been lack of leadership from the top
Odette : production vs food safety
Padraig : failing to follow processes over time
chandrasekhar : lack of resources
Chi Samuel : Background culture and Habits
Lupita : resistance to change
JUNE : lack of senior commitment commitment
Tami Banks : time management
ramzy howait : lack of f s culture
Declan Blanchfield : maintaining the standards long term
Christopher : turnover
Monica : Financial restrictions to provide correct tools to employees
Dawn : No follow through
Shelby : no support from anyone in the company, it all falls on quality constantly chasing people around
cameron : focus on production versus food safety
Elaine : people like to do things their own way to save time
Matt : Breaking old habits
Greta : Focus on production numbers
Iryna Dyachenko : management commitment (allowing people to attend food safety activities or projects)
Vivian : Learning curve of new concepts,.
David : Language barriers
Kenly Edwards : lack of knowledge with the workers shift in culture cost of implementation of the the projects
Niesha : resistance to change and mgmt not enforcing
jimmy : they dont see it as their issue, its the technical dept problem
Melissa : lack of senior management understanding
David : business focussed on sales and not back of shop
SARA : work ethic
Bruce Johnson : Making FS efficient to the process.
Ella : everyone is busy with their own job - no time for food safety
alyssa : yes, wrong people in wrong position and no change by SM
Danica : lack of cooperation (someone else's job to do it)
Thomas staskiewicz : regional differences with regard to export
chandrasekhar : no knowledge
Casilda : status Quo
Niesha : its QA business only and other managers dnt get involve
paula : getting them to understand it's a PART of their job & not an "extra job"
Jamie : no punishment
Paul : Relating safety to their specific jobs
Sheena Mueller : too much focus on labor
chandrasekhar : more load
Vivian : Company's growing pains from small business to becoming BRC certified.
Christopher : cost of lost quality
Arnaud Fontaine : what does it bring to me?
Lee Ann Heffernan : growers not on board with food safety
Bruce Johnson : Well designed facilities
iftikhar : old thinking and culture
chandrasekhar : no time
Niesha : @Jamie, agreed, no repercussion to failure to abide to FS requirements
Mark : i agree, with old habits being hard to change
Frank : Block heads who will not change
Jeanne : negative reinforcement practices makes disgruntled employees
Dylan : Complacency
Vickie : I agree with no consequence for not following food safety requirements
iftikhar : trainings
Dylan : Lack of repercussions and disciplinary action
jimmy : Hi from somerset
Christain Thomas : Jimmy - somerset PA?
Joel : A false idea that it's "not my job" has always been a problem for us.
paula : making sure they understand the consequences of producing unsafe food to the customers
Bruce Johnson : Safe and committed operator involvement is needed to break up arrested developement in work practices.
Tami Banks : I have found when you actually take the time to know your people, they tend to be more PROactive
alyssa : it seems like we have common issues, confirmation of the lack of a pattern that Google found
Melissa : I agree with Tami B!
Nasr Saeed : Hi from yemen
jimmy : Somerset UK
Mario : True @Tami
Liliya : Hi
Vickie : Fear-Flight syndrome is the perfect reason why there needs to be a written plan of what to do when something goes wrong. It's hard to think logically when in a crisis or panic!
jimmy : Christain Id prefer to be in SomersetPen
Bruce Johnson : Leadership abuse and neglect (from ignorance) behavior are the triggers to survival mode reactive behaviors - trust and safety are requiredto change behavior.
Dannyd : Apathy is one of our biggest problem.
Declan Blanchfield : The 'feel good' hormones lead to more creative thinking, leading to better solutions.
Bruce Johnson : Sometimes leaders need to let go of control in order to hear their reports ideas.
Vivian : Problems start when the motivation is fear (i.e. recall, losing business, losing jobs). Following a program feels like being a police enforcing the rules.
Mohammed Osman Omer Sanosi : Hi..From Sudan
alyssa : @ Declan, I have found that going to the experts, the operators, for solutions on CA's gives them more ownership.
Tami Banks : You have to make yourself approachable and be able to gain trust
Vickie : define the fear, the cause and then work to change that flight or avoidance behavior by working on approaches (planned actions to take when there's a problem). Help employees become vulnerable
Mario : @Bruce that is a challenge especially in companies where the average age of management is over 50 esp in Jamaica. We have a real challenge with quality management
Melissa : Celebrate the good FS behaviors when you see it & mention to them what exactly was the right thing done
Vickie : No Shaming!
Megan G. : I agree with the democratic communication environment that is being suggested here. People want to be involved and feel safe bringing things up. This collective mindfulness can decrease risk to the product.
Kenly Edwards : trust is important if workers feel they will be penalize for failure they will withhold their creativity and further development within the food safety culture
Declan Blanchfield : @Alyssa - you have cracked it, well done.
Dannyd : How do you deal with owners relatives who report to you in quality and have a fully entitled attitude?
Megan G. : @Dannyd maybe research how other organizations have removed nepotism from their culture?
Dannyd : Thanks Megan. That is a great suggestion.
Megan G. : @Dannyd no problem. I'm currently an I/O Psychology student and I've seen much research on this in multiple psychology-related journals.
cameron : @dannyd sounds like a bad work situation
Terina : be transparent
Jennie Thomas : active listening
Paul : Ask more questions and listen to the answers
Bruce Johnson : Point out the actions that have been taken based on employee input
NIcole Logan : ask more open ended questions to obtaining understanding
Melissa : Be visible on the floor and approachable to any questions
Karen : get employees involved in change
Doug : better communication
Mario : be inclusive
chandrasekhar : do not shout
linda : Provide feedback
Susy Sandoval : positive feed back
Liz : talk to people one on one - make them feel like their opinion matters, because it does
Lupita : be consistent between words and actions
Danica : positive reinforcements, encouragement, teaching them the importance of their roles in the chain
Tiffany : I spend more time talking to associates in sidebar convo, not just during training or disciplinary meetings
Asif ejaz : Open door policy
Kim : When you make a mistake own it and not everyone is perfect
Dannyd : Well not always good. Late all the time. Never really complete a task. Want to leave early daily. Always breaking rank at the worse time possible.
Jeanne : Ask for input tp amke decisions affected dept
Rajesh : Have them conduct audit with us
David : More level 3 conversations!! - But senior mgmt team need to be watching this webinar too!
Andrea : listen and then include them in decision-making/policy writing where able
nhammer : listen 1st then speak
Joel : Spend more time helping them accomplish their job.
Cassandra : create the environment for people to feel comfortable expressing ideas
ANN LISK : Be willing to assist
Tami Banks : I constantly ask how things are going, helping with a task they may not understand
demetri : cross functional team, including non production staff
Arnaud Fontaine : show example
Zoë : We have Staff forum meetings for staff ideas to get staff participation
Pinky : appreciate and reward good behavior -Pinky
Vivian : Listening & responding immediately (follow through).
jimmy : remember their names
Greta : What I have done, i go out to the floor and discuss what happens and what workflow allows to make small changes without extremely affecting the timing of production
chandrasekhar : use positive words
Rick : if colleges have suggestions, react to that
paula : get involved & work with the employees...instead of telling the employees to work
ramzy howait : calm speach ,good relations
Iryna Dyachenko : Positive and respectful, encouraging others
Bruce Johnson : Value the workers as people with great ideas
Jamie : one on one relationships
Tricia : When you help them solve a problem they have first, they will turn around and help you with yours. give and take
Barbra Ann : constructive criticism
Padraig : Demonstrate trust by giving the opportunity to contribute to plans and processes
Andrea : great comment, Bruce!
Paul : Allow people to make mistakes
Melissa : have them participate in audits
Casilda : spend more energy on increasing operator involvement.
Odette : act on the recommendations made by team members
Chitrangani : listening and responding
Vivian : Be present and learn from employees about what, why, how they do their tasks.
alyssa : @ jimmy, simple but brilliant!
Vickie : use failure as opportunity. failure is a gift!
Dannyd : Welcome input and ask for more input from people on the floor.
Casilda : creating change bottom up instead of top down as top down has not worked
Chi Samuel : show the example of good work
Tami Banks : Helping others understand why we are doing something
Nicki : involvement in production or jobs so employees cant say the you dont understand
Elaine : one on one talks with team leaders .
chandrasekhar : give suggestions
Bruce Johnson : Recognize and reward good behavior
Judy : Be present in their work environment. Allow the employee to speak and explain, be a part of solving problems in their area.
Paul : Ask for their import before a problem occurs
cameron : Actually take the input into account and test it. people will appreciate you caluing their ideas
paula : ask for suggestions or help with solving problems and corrective actions
cameron : *valuing
Paul : That should have said input
Kenly Edwards : allow workers to voice their opinion and feel free express themselves
Liz : Honesty
Elaine : we explain the why to what we are trying to do and end result
cameron : most of the time management will ask for suggestions and then end up doing what they want anyways
Tami Banks : @ Rachel - Culture change is the most difficult and slowest element to change. No quick fix believe me. Staying positive and staying determined
Pinky : spread the good gesture of an employee to others. this will encourgae more people to do right things
Bruce Johnson : Example the desired behavior
Terina : audio is good
Christine Harmon : I can hear you
Cassandra : audio is ok
Joel : I can hear you
Susy Sandoval : I can hear you
Casilda : Tami you're right
Christain Thomas : your good.
David : top management expect lower orders to improve and develop the skills related to their job - but they don't ever develop themselves
Dannyd : Hear you clearly
alyssa : just think about how much each of us gain for our sharing of ideas , struggles and solutions (golden!) and how that could translate and benefit our own workplace
Joel : I hear you Simon
jimmy : @alyssa ive found using someones name tares down that them and us wall. They stop feeling like they are just a number
Jeanne : I hear you
Bruce Johnson : Communicate through visual, auditory, and kinestitic methods.
Mario : the video and audio has stopped
Christopher : recognition
Christopher : more responsibility
Sharon : what creative incentives for good food safety habits can you give employees?
Andrea : Yes, multiple methods of communication help engage people who learn/process in different ways and allows them to participate in the manner they feel more comfortable with.
ahmed : encarage. involve . delegation
Bruce Johnson : Train people in how to assess theire work areas and call a huddle to discuss the findings
Tami Banks : Many people shut down emotionally when they are yelled at
Bruce Johnson : Yes, build confident team members.
ahmed : to be at mg woard . implement the promisses
Paul : Provide opportunities to interact with other areas so they begin to see the big picture and know who they effect when something is not right.
Melissa : @Tami - definitely! Have seen and experienced this.
alyssa : it goes back to the old saying "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
jimmy : Brita good or bad it may of been painful when you were young but look how driven you are and all of your experience and qualifications now
Melissa : @Paul - great suggestion
Bruce Johnson : Give real and sometimes humbling examples of your own learnings to empathies with others
ahmed : hi
paula : no video
David Levy : @Rachel - Pls explain
Vivian : Yes, un-freeze to show the "why". Emphasize the benefits of change.
Vivian : ... and opportunities to improve the business (big picture).
Kevin : no video and no sound
RACHEL : i mean that all the active listening and asking how to help them follow rules doesnt always work .
ahmed : no vidio or sound
Paul : @Rachel, dont ask them how to help them follow the rules, ask them to help create the rules
Bruce Johnson : Food Safety results from emotionally safe members behaving in a conscientious and business practical methods.
Vickie : This is the same approach used in therapeutic programs for behavior issues and addictions.
Rick : Thanks!
Liz : 8
Bruce Johnson : The neuronal structures of the brain apply to all life/work behaviors
ramzy howait : 4
Pinky : 9 from Pinky
Christain Thomas : Really appreciate the strategies suggested in this presentation
ramzy howait : 4
Timothy Ngwira : connectivity has been a challenge today
Vickie : share the webinar with plant supervisors and managers, they can make the change
Jamie : I need management to get involved
SARA : I want to meet with all the managers to change our approach towards employees
Pinky : practice the level 2 conversation. all I need is get into that habit - Pinky
be more open in communicating the goals of the
fsms, make th erocess inclusive
Darla : Need training for front line supervisors on 'how' to execute some of these ideas
Susy Sandoval : I will apply all I learn now as I am working
Kenly Edwards : be more inclusive, allow more inputs from the workers who are actively involved in food safety
Lupita : Define positive objectives
Declan Blanchfield : Thanks Brita, nice recap of Managing Change which can let us focus our efforts.
Terina : immediately and I have a great support system to get us through the bumps in the road or individuals not confident in their food safety buy in
Joel : Engage employees on an individual level.
Liz : share this training with managers so they can change the way they communicate with their can change the culture of an organization...very good information
Gregory : work more closly with our Food Safety Team
Tiffany : Continue to do what i have been doing which is talking to associates like human beings and take the coaching approach first before the disciplinary approach.
Nicole : we will hold a review in review touch base tuesday, we will open the floor to ask the team to respond to what where their challenges, how can we improve as a team, we will introduce our plan to devleop cross pollunation programs and expand the audit team
Iryna Dyachenko : Use Level 2 and Level 3 conversations only. Start inviting more people from the direct operators to food safety meeting or involve them in other food safety activities
Greta : Continue to work with the operators upwards, but need leaders to manager support to continue work beyond when QA is out on the floor
Iryna Dyachenko : congratulations on a book!
Pinky : Please provide your contact information Britta
alyssa : agreed @ Greta
Elaine : I really want to work with my team leaders as they have the most contact with the floor workers and get them on board with a more positive approach to training
Kenly Edwards : cooperation from everyone
David : share webinar with company directors
Chi Samuel : Practice the ideas shared
Bruce Johnson : Be the role modle and value your people for the good work being done
Chi Samuel : Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar
Judy : Unfreeze upper management and get their support
cameron : get involved with team and find out what motivates them, then use that to help change culture
ramzy howait : thanks!
Joel : This has been a great learning experience!
Joel : Thank you!
BAXOLILE : Hello, how can I get the full video or the webinar
Marlène : Read all suggestions people made in this Webinar! ;-) Simon, how can we have access to all messages made since the begining of the webinar?
Melissa : Great webinar topic today! Thank you.
Casilda : Brita you always do a great job. I can't wait to read your book
Odette : Great webinar
Joel : Accentuate the positive!
Danica : Thank you Britta and SImon :)
TRAcey : hello?
Joel : Thank you for another great Food Safety Friday!
Dr.Zeshan : Thanks for nice presentation
Liz : Sorry my audio went out when you were saying why people leave
Darla : can't open this file type...any other version available?
Mario : thank you, this was really enlightening
Kenly Edwards : what is the biggest challenge you have found in the implementation of food safety
David : Excellent presentation. Thank you
Kenly Edwards : not seeing my name on the cirtificate
Rajesh : Do you have a different approach in handling upper management vs operators ?
Christopher : do you take into account the cost of lost quality?
Liz : why do people leave...sorry my audio went out when you were telling us
Christopher : ity
demetri : Why do people leave?
Elaine : How do find is the best way to soften management
Christain Thomas : What books now you can recommend?
ramzy howait : yes
Christopher : do you takei to account the cost of lost quality
ahmed : how i can enter my name in certificat
Nicole : How to we speka to someone , like production manager that says he agrees with food safety but the actions don't match the talk? This makes for a difficult conversation when operators want to engage but their management doesn't !
Jennie Thomas : how do we stop the finger pointing?
Declan Blanchfield
I agree Britta, when we mention terms like
HACCP, Corrective Action or procedures many stop listening.
Casilda : ?PLEASE ANSWER:what is the biggest challenge you have found in the implementation of food safety and how did/would you handle it
Rajesh : Do you then share the Company goals with them or just the departmental goals during the audit ?
Joel : That is a great metaphor!
Rajesh : Agreed, great approach, comments
Casilda : Planning to use that metaphor at my Wednesday FS&Q Team meeting
ahmed : how can we act with non committed uper manag.
Christain Thomas : Thanks!
Rajesh : Auditor sharing goals to operators during audit - company vs departmental
demetri : The mention of the reason a person leaves was not heard as sound went off. What is the reason?
Joel : I'm going to use that metaphor! Plagiarizing!
Joel : Seriously though this has been a wonderful learning experience!
Houman : How we can measure employee engagement? is there any metric for that?
Casilda : Joel I agree
Nicole : Thank you Simon, Thank you Brita!
David Levy : Many Thanks!
Rajesh : Thank you, great presentations
alyssa : Another great presentation, as usual. thank you!
Joel : Thank you Brita and Simon
Casilda : Thanks IFSQN, Simon and Brita