Products: 1. A acidic sauce (pH <4.6) containing soy sauce cooked to 205F for >5 min. 2. An acidic sauce (pH <4.6) containing Parmesan cheese cooked to 200F for >5 min.
What I've tried so far: We sent our products to Neogen to see if the Reveal 3D kits would work - they didn't. Hypothetically we could test for sesame as well in the sauce containing soy sauce - which Neogen labs tried but that didn't work either.
Romer labs AgraStrip will also not work according to my email correspondence with them.
We don't have a lab onsite and wanted to use a kit that would allow for in-house testing.
Question: Has anyone found an allergen testing kit that can be used for environmental allergen monitoring.
My next plan is to contact FARRP/UNL research center and our 3rd party lab. If anyone else has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.