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Major non-conformance for freezing canned crab meat

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Pasta Person

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 02:21 PM

We just got a Major non-conformance for freezing canned crab meat.  


The instructions from the manufacturer says do not freeze. 


However we have a letter from that same manufacturer stating that freezing the can does reduce quality but poses no food safety risk.  


I understand that there is potential bloating (in turn breakage of the seal) from freezing but that has not happened and no seal was observed to be broken by the auditor. 


My question is, do you think we have a case against the non-conformance? 

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 03:04 PM

I would fight it....................but the manufacturer is going to have to provide you with detail as to why they label that way and why they told you it was ok


FYI, the only canned crab meat I buy is frozen.....


Under what section were you given that non conformity?

Edited by Scampi, 26 July 2019 - 03:05 PM.

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 03:17 PM

Freezing canned crab meat (and most canned seafood, meat, etc) leads to structure breakdown once thawed and thus, not uncommon to get a can of nothing more than goo once open - yes, a BIG QUALITY ISSUE... but there are NO GROUNDS for a Major.


Assuming this is SQF, the definition of a major being that it leans towards a food safety issue has no basis for the call here.


I would most certainly challenge the finding and competence of the Auditor because of the lack of knowledge as to the definitions of findings.

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 08:21 PM

We just got a Major non-conformance for freezing canned crab meat.  


The instructions from the manufacturer says do not freeze. 


However we have a letter from that same manufacturer stating that freezing the can does reduce quality but poses no food safety risk.  


I understand that there is potential bloating (in turn breakage of the seal) from freezing but that has not happened and no seal was observed to be broken by the auditor. 


My question is, do you think we have a case against the non-conformance? 


I am confused.


Why would you want to freeze cans of crabmeat ?

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 09:05 PM

Here's the only issue with a facility freezing cans of crabmeat -- having been in a commercial (on the dock) canning operation, it was routine practice for the cannery to freeze the cans for transportation (without mentioning this for what appeared to be years and years)... the problem is they defrost sligtly on the way and then the distribution center might re-freeze the cans.


Not a good practice considering what the end consumer pays top dollar for.

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Posted 26 July 2019 - 10:52 PM

Here's the only issue with a facility freezing cans of crabmeat -- having been in a commercial (on the dock) canning operation, it was routine practice for the cannery to freeze the cans for transportation (without mentioning this for what appeared to be years and years)... the problem is they defrost sligtly on the way and then the distribution center might re-freeze the cans.


Not a good practice considering what the end consumer pays top dollar for.




So this freezing is preliminary to canning  ? With what objective ?


I had concluded that perhaps the OP was (somehow) referring to unintentional events like  -





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