Hi Simon,
Hope you had a great holiday! Thought I would start a new topic
Verifications and Validations are two frequently used terminologies in HACCP but often misinterpreted but under this topic, we are concerned with validations only.
HACCP is essentially science base and where possible, issues concerning "chemical and microbial hazards" be confirmed or validated as "compliance benchmark" by external independent laboratories with appropriate test facilities. Laboratories should also use ISO 17025 certified test methods to validate as well. (Physical hazards are generally not included)
For example, we have a manufacturer that claims their salsa sauces packed in glass bottles has a SHELF LIFE of say two (2) years from date of manufacture. There were never any test records to proof that it is indeed good for the claimed period nor were there any historical records of customer complaints or recall.
The food auditor came by for their initial audit and did not approve certification until close-out of MAJOR CARs including other CLs are done. Is this decision necessary despite having no historical records of recalls or complaints implying that the products are good for consumption up to expiry date?
In such cases, should validations be waived and the products assumed to be good for the period claimed and certification rightfully given? Any comments from out there!
A Poll is in order.
Charles Chew
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