Hello, maybe you all can share some expertise as my company uses different liquors in our chocolates and baked goods. Problem is, there are boxes and boxes of glass alcohol bottles. We like to experiment for the holiday flavors, so we have every type possible. I'm curious for SQF if I need to switch out all the products into a more durable plastic, or if simply documenting the quantity and location is sufficient? If anyone had this issue and perhaps has links for replacement containers or types, that would be great. Also, we do wine pairings and ship glass bottles with our product. Do we need some sort of nonbreakable sleeve to encase the wines? (We don't bottle the wines). Finally, maybe a bit overkill, but since the alcohols are flammable, does that need any special care? Lock-box, stored apart, etc? Oh! Do I also need to control this as far as making sure the employees aren't secretly enjoying the ingredients? Hard to enforce "no drugs or alcohol" with a mini market of booze in the back. Thank you, Michael.
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