Best Answer kfromNE, 08 September 2021 - 11:40 AM
What are the requirements for controlling sesame allergens up until the new allergen law goes into effect in 2023?
We do not process any allergens in the facility, and the biggest and really only risk would be employees lunches. Should we add sesame to our allergen training? Are we required to add sesame to our allergen training?
I guess the other concern is chemicals and lubricants. should we start looking at that documentation now or should I give more time for manufacturers to start putting together statements for it?
I guess my question is are we required by law to treat sesame the same as peanuts and milk immediately, or only after 1/1/23?
Technically, you don't have to do anything until 1/1/2023. However like Evans X said - it isn't a bad idea to start now. At least gather documentation. If the company is international - they most likely have something in place for sesame.