Hello All,
I am Quality Manager for a small honey packing company.
Unlike disinfectants and dish detergent, I am having trouble determining what laundry detergents are "food-safe". What are the parameters for laundry detergent to wash towels that we then use to wipe excess honey from exterior of packaged product?
Thank you,
Graham Shurtleff
Hi Graham,
Olena gave a specific suggested solution for yr request.
However yr OP question is a good one, eg what makes any detergent (or sanitizer) food safe ? "Food grade" and "No rinse" are other relevant classifications.
I guess a trivial answer is one which is approved, eg by EPA. 
The detailed answer, at least in EPA's case, can be complex, eg -
@olena, yr Product is described as "A chlorinated, high-alkaline powdered detergent especially for bulk tank and pipeline washing". Product "as sold" has 10-30% NaOH. Looks quite tricky to handle IMO.
MSDS states "High health hazard" at Use Dilution. But also claims that no hazardous ingredients at use dilution. Seems rather contradictory. No claim to be "food safe" or EPA registered afai could see ?.