Thank you
Let me give you an example
We do a powdered blend that only contains 3 ingredients which are very low risk.
A client has asked for the microbial limits for that blend
I have tried searching for that blend on the net to get a microbial limits and failed, hence was looking for maybe each ingredient microbial limit and come to a limit for the specification for our product.
Hope this makes sense
yes i understand. You will probably not find a manual or book of some king with that info.
my suggestion to you would be
1. test the product multiple times to establish the highest possible levels. then add a little bit for some wiggle room.
2. use the specifications from the raw materials. pick the ingredient with the highest limit and use it.
3. Your suppliers may have a ridcuously high spec limit. for this reason a combination of #1 and #2 might make sense.