We have a baked product whose process has a validated kill step achieving over a 5-log reduction. One of our products is shipped to Canada so we send it for APC, Coliform and Y&M testing before release and shipment. Recently, we have been struggling with out of spec APC results (spec limit is <1,000 which I believe is too low anyway). The main issue is the inconsistency with which these out of tolerance results occur. We have swabbed all our equipment used to make this product and it was all completely fine. I thought maybe it was the flour, despite the validated kill step, as I had been involved in APC discussions at another company where we were advised by suppliers that crop year and other crop variances can and will affect APC levels. I thought I confirmed this by tracking our flour deliveries against the lots of product being tested. It looked like once we started on a new load of flour the results evened back out to <10 consistently. Suddenly we have extremely high and inconsistent APC results again. Monday was 200,000, Tuesday was <10 Wednesday was 250,000. I can't seem to make sense of it and I have run out of ideas as to the root cause and how to stop this. I'm hoping others may have some insight. Until these past 3 results the out of spec occurrences were nowhere near this high ranging from 86,000 to 1,900. Any ideas, help or guidance would be appreciated - I'm not a microbiologist so I've reached the capacity of my knowledge here.