By David Powley - DNV Certification
The internal (or first party) audit should be one of the most important opportunities for an organisation to check the effectiveness and the delivery capability of its management system. Unfortunately this opportunity is generally not appreciated according to David Powley, of DNV Certification, who offers an opinion on how to get better value from it.
The internal audit is a well established feature of all management system standards and protocols for quality, environment and safety & health (QESH). Certification bodies (or Registrars) take the internal audit seriously - they are required to. It is an obligatory feature for consideration at every certification or maintenance audit that they carry out on their certificated companies. Certification body auditors would prefer to ‘ride on the back' of the internal audit and assess how capably the organisation can discover its own non-conformities and improvement opportunities. This is the ideal situation but too many organisations unnecessarily restrict themselves and do not fully appreciate the freedom and imagination they can exercise.
The Internal Audit - make the most of it!