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Hygiena a potravinové obaly - Zvedame Standard

This fantastically illustrated booklet (supplied on DVD-ROM) conveys the essentials of Hygiena a potravinové obaly in a light hearted and effective style. The popular booklets are suitable as a handout for new employees and can also be used as a handy refresher for existing employees.

DVD-ROM Contents:

12 page, full colour booklet. Supplied on DVD-ROM as a high resolution Adobe Acrobat PDF file - enables multi copy printing.

- Proč je hygiena pro potravinové obaly tak důležitá
- Cizí tělesa
- Chemikálie
- Baktérie
- Osobní hygiena – co dělat
- Osobní hygiena – co nedělat
- Úklid
- Najděte všechna rizika pro potravinové obaly
- Bezpečnostní rizika pro potravinové obaly
- Hygienický rychlotest

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Hygiena a potravinové obaly - Zvedame Standard

The Microsoft PowerPoint DVD-ROM Training Package has been developed to facilitate in-house hygiene training sessions in conjunction with the 'Hygiena a potravinové obaly - Zvedame Standard' booklets.

DVD-ROM Contents:

- 30 page Microsoft PowerPoint presentation based on the booklet content
- Comprehensive speakers notes
- End test paper questions & answers
- Attendance / training record

How it works:

- Trainer delivers using presentation and speakers notes
- End test is completed by trainees using the booklets as a reference
- End test paper acts as an attendance / training record
- Booklets may be given to trainees as a handy reminder

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