Below is the unedited chat logs from the live webinar.
Sergio: Good Morning from Sao Paulo
Sue: Good morning from Wisconsin.
Janice Mabey: hello
Amrika Bandoo: hello
Reda: Hello
magdi: hello
Brian: Good Morning from St. Louis, MO
Pablo: hello
Jose Aurelio: no from mi side,
JeffC: hello
David: good morning from Montreal
Vasudha: Hello, Vasudha From India
Shalonda: Good morning from Tennessee
Shingai: hello from Zimbabwe
Alison: Good afternoon from Espagne
amber: hello
Simon Timperley: 2 minutes folks
magdi: magdi from sudan
Greg: Good morning from lovely Atchison, Kansas
Alaa: Hello from Egypt
Ramiro: Good morning from Texas
Brian: Thanks Simon
Deepak: Hi Deepak Mathur from Delhi
Cheryl: Good morning from California
Frank Sedzielarz: Good morning from Minnesota
Jessica: hi from Pennsylvania
Christa Douglass: Good Morning from Washington State
Wendy Hirst: Hello everyone!
Mariana: Hi from Mexico City!
Tatyana: Tatyana. Hello from Belarus!
Ara: Greetings from Texas
Nisar: Hello evryone
Judith: Good afternoon
Ana Cardoso: Hello from Porto, Portugal
Garyfallia: Good afternoon from the Netherlands
Mopelola Sodipo: good day
Rehman Rasheed: Hello everyone
Oluwafemi: Greetings from Johannesburg
Alaa: Hi Magdi from sudan, Y need your Email, I am Alaa from Egypt
Arlen: Good Morning from Pennsylvania
Joshua Smith: Good Morining From Dallas, Texas
Nisar: Hi I am Nisar from Mumbai, India
Sharyn: hello from Toronto
Mopelola Sodipo: good afternoon from Nigeria
magdi: nice
Scott : Good morning from Oregon
Matt: Hello from St Louis, MO
Brian: Hi Matt. St. Louis here as well
Nasr: good Morning from West Bank
Sandy: Hi there from South Africa
julio: Has the webinar started yet?
merry chastine: hi
Michelle: Good Morning from Minneapolis MN USA
Yemi: Hello all
sherrell: Hello everyone
Christa Douglass: not yet
Brian: No Julio
ion] Noel: Hello there
Jimena: Hi, Jimena from Uruguay!
Jamie Andreychuk: Bonjour from Quebec, Canada!
ِAlia: HI from Sudan
davide crepaldi: Hi Davide from Italy
Greg: Alia - whats the weather like in Sudan?
ADELE: Good afternoon from Pretoria - South Africa
Javier: Bonjour from the Gaza strip.
magdi: ok alaa
Margaret: Greetings from Northern California
Christa Douglass: Margret where in northern ca?
Lupita: hello from France!
Javier: Hola Lupita!
Rehman Rasheed: Hello from Bahrain
Henta: Hi from Durban, South Africa
Lupita: Hola Javier
simao: Hi from Portugal
flemming: Good afternoon
ِAlia: Gerg, we are freezing here, very cold :D
Beatriz: Hi everyone from Cordoba, Argentina
flemming: fro Debmark
Peter: Minnesota, USA
flemming: from Denmark
Dr. Mert : hi everybody from Turkey
Ian : Hi from St. Lucia.
magdi: any problem in webinar ?
ana maria burducea: Hello from Québec City, Canada
Lewis: Helllo from Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Ovidiu: Hello from Vancouver, Canada
ِAlia: The previous chat box design was easier!
ifigeneia: hello,from Greece
magdi: i take it >
Dr. Mert : there is a freezing problem i
Christalynn: Hello from Toledo, Ohio U.S.A.
Robert: hmm. My browser (ie) doesnt support this
MUHAMMAD Raza Ullah: ok waiting
Cheryl: I am using Chrome and it works, can you switch
Mara Carvalheira: Hello from Portugal
Noel: Hi Simon when is the presentation starting
Loda: Hi. How do I improve the resolution of the presentation. It looks blurry. Audio is okay though.
Peter: restarted and all is good
Jurgita: hello from Lithuania
Ronald Wiseman: hello everyone
Javier: Ecoli happens.
Ronald Wiseman: Love the new look of the webinar
Lupita: yes Javier, E coli happens, but this cal lead to the closing down of a plant!
Judy: Jurgita, what company do you work for?
Lupita: can lead...
robert klaiss: Hello from Kuwait
Olga: Hello from Latvia
María Linares: The slides are blurry, someone knows how to fix it?
Akinola: Hi guysm from saudi arabia
Javier: Ecoli happens is a play on words.
Barbara Serra: Is the webinar very delay yet?
Lupita: just got it...
Cristina: 3
Caity: hello from Pennsylvania USA
Javier: :)
Paul: Good morning from Lincoln, Nebraska
Jurgita: Judy, I'm working for a social institution "Rimavicius", I consult and help catering companies to prepare documents and to plan manufacturing facilities according to the European and national legislation. Also I make inner HACCP audits
julio: What happened?
María Linares: the slides are blurry, how can I fix it?
Alison: I,have lost the webinar
julio: is the webinar on?
Ramiro: unable to connect... i can't see anything
ِAlia: Yes it is on
Alaa: are you started?
Javier: Webinar is running. Refresh or Reboot.
julio: Ok, I thought it was my computer
Barbara Serra: Is there any problem? Can anyone from the organization give some feedback?
Christalynn: Not haveing any issues with the webinar here.
Ramiro: i restarted twice already but still unable to see it
Joshua Smith: having trouble here too.
Alison: I went out and came back in ok
Judy: Jurgita, I was just curiuos as I am Lithuanian myself :)
Barbara Serra: I also have refresh it and nothing is hapenning
Brian: Barbara, try refreshing, I had to and am good now.
Robert: I switched to Chrome - works better
Alaa: Also I have trouble
Javier: Check your initial link.
Jurgita: What a surprise !
Peter: try to reload from initial link
Alison: Can you repeat the 7 please
Ara: Is not working for us
Cristina: 5
flemming: anoher scale is needed
Alison: I cant read the slides
Liz: It's the wrong scale
Janice Mabey: our scale goes from -3 to +3
Margaret: Can't see the results.
Marzena: You messed up with numbers
Christa Douglass: thats not what the poll said on my side, ot was -1-+3
Jimena: hi, the poll goes from -3 to +3
r] Simon Timperley: watch on youtube if struggling
Jessica: ack! Two audio streams at once
Cheryl: scale only goes from and to 3
Peter: cannot see the poll results
Paul: -3 to +3
Mariana: 5
Nisar: wrong scale
Cory: Its a 7 point scale, -3 to 3 doesn't matter
flemming: we need scale 1-6
ana maria burducea: 6
Nasr: this what I did before
Margaret: Poll was did not match the slide poll
JeffC: 6
Ovidiu: wrong scale
Paul: Your right Cory
Cheryl: Interesting my presentation had been fine since the beginning but now my slides are blurry
Margaret: IMO Engagement needs to move up on the 7 point scale. to #2 after leadership.
Loda: Thanks Simon for the YouTube link. I can clearly see the slides now.
ion] Christa Douglass: we are going to get a copy of this presentation right?
Peta-Gaye Clarke: ye i'll need a copy, the slides are being changed too quickly
Paul: Should get a copy of presentation next week.
ana maria burducea: Thanks Paul
magdi: alaa every thing ok ?
ِAlia: Magdy, Sudan??
Alaa: now ok
ion] Gayan: Can you share source or link to diagnostic tool please?
magdi: yes ..sudan alia
Christalynn: Please share soures for diognostic tools please!
ِAlia: Great, me too..where do you work?
Margaret: Source of the assessment please?
ion] Shingai: Which are the existing FSC diagnostic tools
ion] Cory: Are you doing correlation relationships or ANOVA?
Elena: Could you share the links to the tools to assess the food safety culture of a company??
magdi: vet.
Shalonda: My presentation is stuck on the Engagement slide and I don't have any sound. Anyone else having this problem?
ion] Dipendra: Food Safety culture is a general practice or is also an another certification?
Suzie: stuck on engagement
Shalonda: Thanks Suzie! Glad to know it's not just me!
Cory: General practice needed to facilitate certifications that require high involvment in Food Safety (SQF, BRC et al.)
Javier: Mine is not stuck. Maybe refresh?
Alaa: Hi Alia I am Alaa from Egypt
Shalonda: ok. I'll try that Javier.
Jose Aurelio: no problems from my side, presentation is running well
ana maria burducea: Hi Dipendra, we are certified FSSC 22 000.
ion] ِAlia: Is there any structured program to build a food safety culture in the workplace
Shalonda: I refreshed and it's back going. Thanks Javier and all who responded.
ِAlia: Salam Alaa
Dipendra: Thanks ana maria burducea
Javier: You're welcome Shalonda. You're back in the game!
ion] Christalynn: Can we get a copy of your previous webinar you did?
ana maria burducea: You're welcome Dipendra,
Alaa: Alia, What is your work?
ِAlia: Veterinarian.
Suzie: Mine is still stuck on the engagement slide. Signing off!
Javier: Bye Suzie.
Jimena: Suzie, try to sign up again afterwards
Loda: Check this YouTube link Suzie
Suzie: Thank you, it worked
Wendy Hirst: Management commitment
Javier: Hi Suzie!
Christa Douglass: Suize I accidentally paused mine... di you try and click on the slide?
ion] Shingai: could you please provide the food safety climate tool that you developed/published in 2010
Cory: We offer all employes a free hour lunch based on KPI for our food safety each quarter
Lewis: The $$ my employer has invested
Kirsten: Supervisors welcome training to support their employees
Arlen: When managment does the right thing, even though it may cost$$$
Carmen Ciocan: timely communication
Jeff Stanley: Food Safety Awareness
Peta-Gaye Clarke: ongoing GMP training
Shalonda: Continous Improvement and strong Senior management support
Elena: Everyone knows why they are doing the things
Liz: People in production bring up concerns instead of just ignoring or not talking about it.
Greg: Financial commitment associated with outside contractor used for sanitation
Loda: training
Bria: Willingness to change, although change is slow to happen in the facility
Christa Douglass: On going talk about food safety and trainings
Carmen Ciocan: trainings
Janice Mabey: employee engagement
Reda: leadership
Shawn: Support via resources and positive reinforcement.
Judith: A'do one thing today to improve food safety' campaign
Carol Andrade: Hiring a food safety manager at the executive level of the organisation
Michelle: Weekly Food Safety Meeting with entire staff. Senior Management reviews the plan continously and makes adjsutments.
Peta-Gaye Clarke: Food Safety Newsletter
Barbara: Staff comunnicating issues to managers that need to be correct
Peta-Gaye Clarke: GMP reminders
Peter: All workers wear hair nets in food process development center
Javier: No one gets fired.
Lewis: Continuous F.S. Training/ M.D. Team
GAIL: the why behind everything is very important
ِAlia: send urs Alaa
Marzena: Buy our product in the store and discuss with employees during the training what is wrong with it
Pablo: Education,GMP Inspection and leadership
Ian : There is an ongoing food safety training program
Jose Aurelio: GMP and quality commitment, training and comunication
David: training
Lewis: Orientation requirs F.S. Training
ana maria burducea: management comitment,GMP training, $$$$ invested for food safety
Shingai: investment in food safety related issues
Christalynn: Pets-Gaye Clarke do you create the newsletter based on your facility? Or use a source to help comiple your newsletter?
Akinola: incentive for indentified problems
Peta-Gaye Clarke: both
Cristina: as new company, we were able to design our HACCP, implemented it, monitor and evaluate. right now verification is on-going. HACCP Team not only includes the managerial and supervisory level, we included as well the operators. Conduct trainings to all workers/employees that includes the factory worke
Christalynn: Can you share some of the sources you use?
Paul: Food safety training in all departments regardless of involvement in SQF cert
Peta-Gaye Clarke: The sources depend on the topics that are focused on for that newsletter
Peta-Gaye Clarke: we do monthly newsletters
Christalynn: I am always trying to find a good site to use for different food safety toppics but i have trouble finding things.
Christalynn: That is a great idea, thats why i was curious where you get some of your information.
Christa Douglass: I agree with you Christalynn, It is hard to find good examples and sources sometimes
Christalynn: Glad i am not the only one Christa!
Reda: Create a FSC group
Peter: Formalize FS Plan Here
Arlen: Look at tools for measuring and evaluating food safety culture.
Logeswaran: Going to deliver the similar training to my team
Janice Mabey: post more communications to the employees, add more employees from production to the food safety team
Shawn: Revise employee training, post company core values for employees, have an additional HACCP meeting
Jimena: Show the answers to the previous question to the high directors
Jeff Stanley: Bring up FSC at the next food safety team meeting
Barbara: Improve communication between all members of staff (managers & operatives)
Akinola: I would need to emperical measure my organisation's FSC
debbie: Present a summary of this webinar to the management team so that we can all be on the same page in regards to all that was discussed.
Lewis: Apply some of these principles to training
Christalynn: Share what i have learned through this webinar to my FS team!
Shalonda: Continue to stress the importance of food safety in meetings
Mariana: share this info with my FS team
Cory: Increase engagment in training. Current system is just a time to cram info and meet regulations. Would perfer to get better employee ownership of all aspects of food safety
Bria: Be more intentional with the development of a positive culture of Food Safety at my growing facility. Starting with senior management
Nancy: Implementing a "positive
Tatyana: Read the ISO 9001 once again.
Jimena: try to organize a food safety comitee
Luciana: Work better the communication to engage the employees
Brian: Share with FS team
Christa Douglass: Improve communication with all my clients to express the importance to FSC.
Alaa: Alia, are you show my email?
Mara Carvalheira: reinforce all personnel training and awareness
Jose Aurelio: reinforce quality and food safety culture
Christa Douglass: Makle sure all of my clients are in support of a FSC
Kirsten: All employee meeting coming up -- Will use my time to talk food safety initiatives - for example - what's going on with training and the HACCP team
Oluwafemi: We'll try more to imbibe the FSC and continuously implement this.
Michelle: Share this webinar with my team - they need the reinforemcemt that they are doing the right things.
David: standardizes procedures and commitement to the procedures thru monitoring and feedback
Deepak: Training is key for change of mindset
Peta-Gaye Clarke: Thats so true
Peta-Gaye Clarke: the food safety police bit
Kirsten: Love the idea of a newslette!
Pablo: try to convince our CEO abaut implement the staff FSC between all workers
magdi: well correct the begining steps
Peta-Gaye Clarke: ye its a good idea and you can have different persons from your food safety team to contribute to writing different articles for the newsletters
debbie: We do almost weekly training as we are a small team in process of great change. Conitnue the training momentum and share results with management more.
ion] Gayan: Can you arrange a seperate webinar on measuring food safety cultre using those statistical modelling techniques in future please?
Greg: Simon, Brita - excellent presentation. I will be reviewing this later in the afternoon. Thank you very much.
Brian: Getting the team on board is not a problem, getting our president to understanding it is.
ion] Gayan: Could you share the last slide of the presentation with contact information?
Peta-Gaye Clarke: Will we have access to this presentation after today?
ion] Christa Douglass: As a consultant, I can preach FSC till I am blue in the face. How do I express to my clients that it is truely important to have a FSC and protect our consumer?
ion] magdi: we can use the advertise in f.s. culture ?
ekwueme: i will try to register my ISO 22000 Certificate with internationally recognized training body.
ana maria burducea: Hi ekwueme, we are using AIB international
Peter: Thank you Brita! And Simon - great job as usual.
Christa Douglass: Thank your Britta and Simon! This has been a big help!!!!!!
Judith: Thanks very informative
Kirsten: good presentationi - inspiring!
Cory: Thanks, good material and delivery
Barbara: Well done ... so much I still have to do :)
Pablo: Thank you Brita! And Simon - great job as usual
Mara Carvalheira: thanks for this presentation
debbie: Thank you. Very interesting content.
Ana Cardoso: Thanks, great presentation
Jose Aurelio: Thank you again
Mariana: Thank you very much! Thanks for giving us tools to make FSC something better in our wokplaces!
Akinola: Thank you Brita excellent
Brian: Thank you Simon and Brita. Good information
Christalynn: Thanks! Great presentation! Would love to have another webinar on FSC!
Shingai: thank you that was excellent
Javier: Go get a glass of wine now!
Jose Aurelio: Someone from Mexico?
Mariana: Me! I'm from Mexico
Jose Aurelio: Good, can you give me your email?
ana maria burducea: thank you very interesting topics look forward for next week have nice week-end everyone
Lewis: Simon its got last weeks Cert on the download
Jose Aurelio: maybe we can share information