I'm working in a low risk Food Manufacturing Company mixing powdered ingredients in Ribbon Blender and packing it as a Lattes.
We don't have any Allergens and we only use dry cleaning in our ribbon blender. Right now after each production our dry cleaning process are:
1. we are using a compressed air to removed all the powders left in the Ribbon Blender
2. Vacuum the debris.
3. spray with 70% Alcohol
4. Air Dry
For years we are using that dry cleaning process and we don't have any problem in products. We are testing it monthly for TPC, Yeast/Mold and all the results passed. But recently in our BRC Audit the auditor suggested that we should have ATP Test. We bought an ATP Test the Hygiena EnSure Monitoring System and I've tested our Ribbon blender for an ATP test using the UltraSnap. But I keep on getting higher than 200 RLU, I even got a result of 1500 RLU last time.
We once tried using the Alpet D2 Surface Sanitizer instead of the Alcohol 70% and got < 100 RLU. But now that we are going to implement it, I discovered that the sanitizer is not allowed in the Southern California because of its high VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).
If you can give me suggestions of how we can improved our dry cleaning and any suggestion of food contact cleaner that we can use in our stainless steel Ribbon Blender.
Also if you guys know what is the realistic Pass/Fail limit for the Ultrasnap Hygiena for the ATP Test of Stainless Steel.
I still don't have much experience in this field of work (Quality Control and Food Safety) so if you can help me because I can't find the answers in the internet.
Thank you,