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Establishing criteria for Supplier & Product risk assessment

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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Posted 11 January 2019 - 06:49 PM

Establishing specific criteria for Supplier and Product risk assessment in your supply chain


Taking place:

Friday, January 18, 2019 - 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM UK Time

This is a 10.00 AM Eastern US Start


George Howlett, CEO, Safefood 360°


Webinar Overview:

This webinar will take a practical look at the criteria typically used to risk assess both suppliers and the products they supply. Attendees will be provided with practical guidance on how to build a criteria based model that fits the needs of your business.


Presentation Slides >>


Webinar Recording >>

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • United Kingdom
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  • Gender:Male
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  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 18 January 2019 - 04:46 PM

Chat logs from today's webinar:


Ashim Sigdel : Hello
Gina Curtis : Hello from Louisville, KY!
Evelyn Beaudry : Good morning from Winnipeg, Canada
Kelly Suprise : Happy Friday!
Warren Edde : hello
Alessandra  Calzolari : Hello!
Patricia Maldonado de García : Hello, hello from beautiful Guatemala!
kosaraju m murthy : Hi Murali NADA DAIRY KSA
Nidia Benitez : Hello
Aurora Chungata : HELLO from Canada :)
Cassie Ferguson : Hello from Wisconsin
Holly Opatz : Morning from Wisconsin
Marai Theophilopoulos : hello
Randy Keir : Randy Keir   Good Morning from Canada
ivonne Rodriguez : hellow from Toluca
Christopher Ciarcia : Good morning from Boston Massachusetts  USA
Brian Parkinson : Greetings from southern Minnesota
Jake Brinkman : Good Morning
Lindsay Love : Hi from Minnesnowta!
Lorien Carley : Good Morning from Chicagoland!
Ivan Kicinbaci : Hello from Croatia!
O’Brien Mutule : Good evening from Doha
Paula Handy : Hello from Houston, Texas
Ahmed Elrefaey : Hello from UAE
Mariëlle  Buitelaar  : Hello from the Netherlands
Elaine Wu : hello from St. Louis, MO, us
gianluca ambrosio : hello from Italy!
Alison Vandermay : Hi from the Philadelphia!
Anne-Claire Vesin : Hello from Paris !
LAMPROS MICHAS : Hello all from Chalkida Greece
Gabriela Pinheiro : Hello from Brazil! :)
Hanife Tokdemir : Hello
David Boumzina : hello from Cameroon
Robin Bozeman : Good Morning from Pendleton oregon
Juanita Alvarado : Good morning from McAllen, Texas
hamid ziena : Hi  I Dr. Hamid Ziena  Egypt
lydia barron : good morning from california
alyssa j : Good day to everyone
Scott Holdredge : Happy Friday for Philadelphia
Kevin Rodriguez : Hello from Berlin
Maria Isabel Alvarez Kirkham : Hello from cold but "sunny" Berlin
Kiriakos Kalpakidis : Good morning, from Milwaukee
M Lakshmanan : hello
Rachel Robinson : Hello from Chicago
Jennifer Aquart : Good morning from Montreal
Debbie Moritz : Happy Friday from WNY!
Madekam Quinci : hello Quinci from Cameroon
Bill Freytag : Hello from New York
Niel Brennan : Good afternoon from Belgium
Enrique R : Good morning from Alsip, Illinois
Ben Tarkington : Good Morning from Seattle!
ana santamaria : Hello from San Diego
Víctor Manuel Rodríguez González : Buenos dias a todos desde El Salvador
Afton Stenger : Good morning from Maine
Muhammad Zahir  Ghori : Hi..This is M. Z. Ghori
Alex Thomas : Good evening from Devon, UK.
Marina  Oirik : Hello from Winnipeg, MB Canada
KIMBERLY DONALD : Good morning from Arlington, TX!!!!  :D
Yehia El-Samragy : Good afternoon from Cairo
ruth muller : Hello from New Zealand
Madekam Quinci : hi
Muhammad Zahir  Ghori : Good Morning
Andrew Herndon : Hello from Kansas City
Jerome Singizumukiza : Hello from Belgium
Kelly Suprise : Calling from Eden Prairie, MN
Tracy Beck : Good Morning from Wisconsin
Vanessa Kindred-Burandt : Good Morning from Chaska, MN
Jacinthe Lefebvre : Hello from Lévis, Qc, canada
Olaf Jansen : Hello from a winters Sweden
Amisse Aly : Hi, this Amisse from Mozambique
Margaret Halleron : Good morning from  Central New York
Longinus Ike : hello from Abu Dhabi
Eva Pantoja : Good morning
Alex Thomas : Should I be seeing anything yet?!? Our internet is not the best here, so thought I would check.
Ivar PJ Brandt Landinez : Greetings from Caldwell, Idaho USA
zuleika mooney : I can't see anything
Alex Thomas : As long as I'm not the only one!
Simon Timperley : Use google chrome or firefox
Alex Thomas : I am on Chrome.
Robert Bolestridge : hi everyone!
Madekam Quinci : i cant see as well
Simon Timperley : Internet explorer tends not to work.
Ursula Castillo : Good moorning to all from Peru
Nidia Benitez : Are there connection issues? Has the webinar started? I am not seeing anything.
Raylene  Johnson  : Hi everyone
Brian Parkinson : Looks perfect here - if you can't see, click "Reconnect" at the top of the page
Scott Holdredge : Can't Conect
Alex Thomas : OK.
Heather Snow : Hello from Boston
Joanne Sandford : You need to use Google Chrome to watch the webinar
Brian Parkinson : Firefox works, too
Simon Timperley : Use google chrome or firefox
Scott Wright : Working good in Canada!!
Alex Thomas : We're in.
Parmeshwar Bhingole : hi
Tricia Collins : Howdy from Bristol, Indiana!!
Elizabeth Hernandez : Hello from Canada Ontario
Joanne Sandford : Hi from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Scott Holdredge : Still Can't Connect
Alex Thomas : I refreshed, it was fine.
Ahmed Elrefaey : hello is the presentation stopped, network error
Kenly Edwards : not hearing anything
Ahmed Elrefaey : good thank u
Madekam Quinci : thank you
Maria Cristina Lopez : Hello from Argentina Hearing is Ok here
Sylvia  Smith : good morning
Simon Timperley : Use google chrome or firefox if problems persisit clear browser cache, reboot and rejoin
Donna Klemme : Hi All
Kim Pattenden-Davison : Good morning from Nova Scotia Canada.
Tausi Abdul Mkalimoto : Good
Simon Law : hello.from.indonesia
Aaron Trapp : Good Morning!
Chris McDonald : Flash: Video file not found:(
ROCHELLE WILLIAMS : Good morning from Jamaica!!
Kirsten Robison : Good Morning from USA - Missouri
Daisy  Kaur : Daisy from Canada
Luzviminda Saylon : Hi from Richmond, BC
Kaushi Kuruppu : Hi from Ontario Canada
JAYANT SHIRODKER : Good Morning from Toronto, Canada
Rosemarie Ilic : Good Morning from USA-New Jersey
edam vijay : hello from hyderabad, india
Béatrice Ralijerson : Hi everybody ! From Antananarivo
David Briggs : Hello from Indiana USA
Tausi Abdul Mkalimoto : Good day eveyone,  Greetings from Tanzania.
tina block : hello!
Simon Timperley : Use google chrome or firefox if problems persisit clear browser cache, reboot and rejoin
Chris McDonald : Cheers simon
Dennis Grayson : hello everyone from Champaign, IL USA
Christy Green : Hello from Jackson, TN, USA.
Betsy  Kusmierski  : Good Morning from Buffalo, NY
alyssa j : a full time job
Mark Reyes : Good morning from West Texas!
Jake Brinkman : it sure is a full time job. i don't think some decision maker realize this!
Craig Bahn : Good Morning from Salem Ohio
Caroline Van belle : hello from Ghent, Belgium
Scott Ruppe : Are you familiar with the FDA's appendix 1 for hazard analysis?
Jake Brinkman : No :(
Rickie Conn : off the speaker in the car and into my office finally!  Hello from Pendleton Oregon
Baia  Abashidze  : hello from Tbilisi,Georgia
Anne Carr : Good morning from Portland, Oregon.
Mark Smith : If you are a co-manufacturer that does not buy or own materials (Provided by customer).  How detailed does the risk assessment need to be?  We require Specifications and COA's.
Youssef  Abdelshahid  : Hello From Egypt
Lorien Carley : Mark- I am curious about Co-Man/Co-Pack resp., too.  did you see the FDA guidance from 11/2017 on the topic-?
KIMBERLY DONALD : Good question Mark!
Adelaide Acquaye : hello from Ghana
Margot Thompson : Hello From New Hampshire, USA
Wania  Espinoza : Hello, from Ecuador
Scott Ruppe : you make it not the person contracting you.  unless there is an agreement in place I would think it iss the maker's responsibility to insure safety and not the group contracting you to make it
Alison Vandermay : Im interested in information on Co-packing/Toll processing as well.. how much responsibility is mine and how much is my customers?
Prashant Kamble : Hi
Maria Luisa Chillida : Hi from Spain
Lorien Carley : Very difficult to manage suppliers when you do not have the control of buying decision.....
Prashant Kamble : Hi,
Khalid Rahman : Hi
William  Onwuka : Hi
Khalid Rahman : from Pakistan
Jake Brinkman : Lorien - this is the problem we are trying to change where I am
thul Jay : Hello
Khalid Rahman : Hello from Pakistan
Daisy Bo : Hi from the Philippines
Lorien Carley : I'm hoping the speaker sees this dialouge and can comment on Co-Man/Co-Packer qualification resposibilities
Lorien Carley : Jake- what is your approach-?
Heather Snow : I agree it is very hard to control the supply chain when you do not have any say in the buying.
Simon Timperley : We will be pick up duirng Q & A Lorien
Lorien Carley : Thanks, Simon!
aileen mcdonald : good Afternoon, from Scotland
Yvonne Dzuda : hi. this  Yvonne from zimbabwe. i have lost sound
Caroline Van belle : indeed a workable model is required
Lady Bayon : Co-Packers usually dont buy, customer is the buyer and we only received materials under customers instructions. How the Supplier Approval Program should be developed?
Dennis Grayson : Lorien Carley I would suggest to work with your upper management to insist that before purchases are made you do a risk analysis first
Rickie Conn : Heather Snow... your purchasing dept has no business buying from a vendor you haven't approved!  They can shop and get samples but they should never start purchasing from vendor that quality control hasn't approved by means of these exact processes we are discussing
Muhammad Akhlaq : hi
Dennis Grayson : Agree Rickie
Lorien Carley : Good point, Dennis.  But what about when the Customer/client is the buyer-?
Fayaj Pathan : Hello from India
Dawn Skierski : hello?  voice/video disappeared. pressed reconnect and got hlsjs:  video file not found?
Dennis Grayson : No different. QA/QC has to be involved. I do not allow any raw materials into the facility unless my team has a risk assessment completed
Lorien Carley : Agreed, Rickie!  We have controls in our ERP to prevent purchase from unapproved supplier
Dawn Skierski : clock still going?
Scott Wright : Agree that control and risks assessed are critical!
Alison Vandermay : Does there exist any database of known, industry wide risks of common ingredients? Like something that collects information that has been previously identified?
Scott Ruppe : FDA Appendix 1
Andrew Herndon : The USP Food Fraud Database is a wonderful tool
Lorien Carley : Allison- FDA has a good Ingredient Risk assessment guidance
Margot Thompson : Horizon Scan
Lorien Carley : Yes- Appendix 1 of FSMA guidance
Kelly Suprise : cut and paste the link from the calendar to chrome
Caroline Van belle : severity for fraud is always high, so severity x prabability can be challenged for VACCP
Alison Vandermay : Thank you!
Mathieu Colmant : Hi hope this is recorded, my video is quite bad quality here... Stops and restarts every few minutes.
tina block : Involve  all department in Food Safety Team
Heather Snow : i understand that but we are a produce company and it is a little bit harder to get a small company like mine to understand the why it is so important.
Scott Ruppe : refer to peanut recall where ceo went to prison
Simon Timperley : Mathieu Colmant, yes it is will be circulated later.
tina block : sometimes it is easier to manage a smaller group
LAMPROS MICHAS : regarding country of origin, "Various sources of data exist". Some examples?
Lorien Carley : Heather- the upcoming Food Safety culture webinar prob. has some good case studies on cost of Quality- why it needs to be a priority
Mark Smith : Our biggest issue is our customer buys the ingredient from an approved broker.  The broker furnishes Specifications, COA's and Letters of Guarantee.  The issues arise because the broker is changing their supplier based on price so to have a "true" approved supplier program.
Alessandra  Calzolari : here to me the connection is fine
Lorien Carley : Mark- I have the same experience.  It is indeed a challenge
LAMPROS MICHAS : regarding country of origin, "Various sources of data exist". Some examples?
Scott Wright : I think most will share the fact it is a challenge
tina block : Simon, are you providing us the slides too?
Rosemarie Ilic : Dennis...Here is the problem that QA/QC does not have the last word. Still, in many cases  purchasing (price) is one who make decisions.
Shiv singh : Good morning from Orlando, Florida
Benjie Luy : good evening all!
Hanumanth Reddy : Hi H Reddy from India.
Scott Wright : There is also the risk in transporatation between the "approved" steps...
Kenly Edwards : i dont know what is the issue but i am unable to see the video or hear any audio any assistance to rectify this problem?
Alessandra  Calzolari : hello from Brasil
Brooke Rehberg : For Country of Origin issues. I did a demo with Horizon Scan, which is a database of food items and any reported issues with them. It's a paid site but can be well worth it if you have higher risk ingredients
Rose Kwan : Hi from the Philippines!
Theophilus Anyam : Mark we also face the same challenge as you do. Supply chains nowadays are very complex and its challenging to manage the risk
Scott Holdredge : Im in
Jake Brinkman : Lorien - purchasing sends us contact information for the new supplier then we ask for necessary documents to do a risk assessment. we do a risk assessmetn per BRC satandards form these documents. Then assess quality through ingredient samples. we assign approval after both the risk assessmetn and quality assesment look suitable. sometimes that order is placed for materials and used before approval is given. if this happens, we show all our documentation that we have done what we needed to do and that the failure happened on the purchasing end becasue they did not wait for approval. after that, we wait for desision makers above ourselves to make the final decision of how to proceed and the steps needed to make the process better and stonger
Scott Ruppe : Is there a resource that compiles "news" on wether companies have had food fraud, or recalls?
Dennis Grayson : Good point Rosemarie. It has taken me 2 years and a lot of heated discussions to implement our supplier approval and foreign supplier approval policy. I only answer to the VP or production of our company. I know my situation is quite unique, but i stood my ground based on the risk the company could face on recalls.
BRIA BLACK : How would the criteria in the model be quantified? using the matrix model?
Lorien Carley : thanks, Jake!  Great tips
Mark Smith : Jake - Thank you for your input.  The issue is we are not purchasing.  Purchasing is completed by our customers.
tina block : just sharing, we have approved suppliers per manufacturing location. QC received a COA stating that ingredient sent was from an approved supplier but manufacturing location wasn't approved.  Was a big isue. Corrective action, purchaser now a part of the team.
Lorien Carley : Scott - I think your final step of process review- identify opportunity for improvement is GREAT
Mathieu Colmant : @Simon, as some are sharing tips here in the chat, can you add a log of the chat next to the video on the forum ?
Rickie Conn : Rosemarie - Absolutely NOT!  if a supplier doesn't pass my criteria as QA, that product will NOT be used in our facility.  Sounds like your facility needs to restructure a little bit
Toni Allardyce-Harris : manufactures are usually hidden behind multiple distributors
alyssa j : @Jake, as the speaker is talking about recalls, are you asking your suppliers a direct question of how many recalls they have had in the past year?  Has anyone on the call asked that directly?
Scott Ruppe : it should be on a supplier questionaire, for annual approval
Rickie Conn : alyssa - yes absolutely.  I ask all of our suppliers for recall information
Toni Allardyce-Harris : Products are usually hidden from sources of manufacturers thru distributors
Bruce Perkin : #toni - if you supply to the US, hidden suppliers is not permitted - must have transparency
Anna Sanders : Lorien and Mark same in my company, and as price rising i get more smaller / unknown suppliers and the broker is not certified for any GFSI standard
Lorien Carley : We include recall in our Supplier questionnaire.  I always to a search online, too.
Aurora Chungata : thank you for doing packaging :)
Jake Brinkman : Mark - Some of our Customers do their own risk assessment and approval on their end before purchasing. Do you know if you customers do a risk assessmet? Even if our customers do their own risk assessment and approval, we do one on our end so we are covered for certification. Have you tried openning communication with you customers to work together on a risk assessement that would benefit both parties? We work closly with one customer to gain information needed for these assessments. If you can convince bother parties that it will be mutually beneficial, it may nudge the process in that direction.
Brooke Rehberg : Alyssa J, I don't ask our suppliers about recalls but I do put in our supplier agreement that they are required to notify us of any recalls or food safety issues that may arise, and we research the company and get references.
Dennis Grayson : Simon could you include these comments on the recording?
Scott Wright : We also ask directly for recall or wothdrawl evenyts
Heather Snow : thank you Lorien I will look into that webinar
Scott Ruppe : @ Brooke, how do you know they haven't had any, wolf henhouse
Toni Allardyce-Harris : Bruce - I have the opposite problem the US suppliers distributions are not forthcoming to Canada
Simon Timperley : we download the chat and add it t IFSQN forum topic for this webinar.  The link to that is in the follow up email.
Lorien Carley : Mark- check out the FDA guidance of Supplier Qualification for Co-Man, Co-Packers.  We need to try to define responsibilities AND sharing of information into contracts w/clients-customers
Dennis Grayson : Thank you
Dawn Skierski : table on slide is not very clear?  defining risk criteria?
Brooke Rehberg : I search the FDA Database and do a google search, plus we usually only use bigger companies that are GFSI certified and I read the cert. reports to look for issues
Mark Smith : Thank you Lorien
Kim Pattenden-Davison : USP Food Fraud Database was taken over by Decernis - good resource re: fraud history
Bruce Perkin : #Toni - might suggest to them that they need to comply with FSMA,as they also need FSMA approval to export - even to Canada
Scott Ruppe : THanks Kim
alyssa j : Great thinking Brooke.  I can ask this for new suppliers but will need to add it to our current supplier questionnaire.
Rickie Conn : Toni Allardyce-Harris - if you use a broker from some ingredient then they need to be accountable for reaching out to the actuall manufacturer and providing you the exact same information that you would get if you contacted the supplier directly.  Nothing really changes.  Youre just using a middle man
Bruce Perkin : #Rickie - exactly
Toni Allardyce-Harris : Bruce the US suppliers need to comply to the new SFCR regulations
Brooke Rehberg : Rickie Conn I think many manufacturers have been missing this step!
Lorien Carley : Alyssa- make sure you are including recall/warning letter search in your ONGOING qualitificaiton as well as initial qualification, too!
Bruce Perkin : #Toni - true, but they have a more primary requirement to comply with the rules of their own country first, and it appears they are not
Kim Pattenden-Davison : SFCR = Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.  Risk Based approach similar to FSMA.  Effective Jan 15, 2019
Lorien Carley : thanks, KIM
Toni Allardyce-Harris : Try getting that from Heinz - just a generic letter saying ya they do all that but no proof
Andrew Herndon : The Corruptions Perceptions Index is a great resource for country risk
Jake Brinkman : https://www.fda.gov/...lls/default.htm    here is a link to FDA recalls, withdraws and safety alerts
Bruce Perkin : #Toni - that would not fly if they get an FDA audit, and it won't fly when you get your audit. you don't have a choice, they supply the needed information or you find an alternative supplier
Darla KILROY : Excellent content
Kim Pattenden-Davison : Worldwide Governance Index is a good resource, ranks country  on various topics.  For example, voice&accountability, regulatory, etc.
tina block : are you sharing the slides?
LAMPROS MICHAS : I guess my question on country'srisk lassficationis thoroughly answered!
zuleika mooney : can you share the link to the country site
Lorien Carley : Any tips on shifting from a matrix model to a criteria model-?  ESP when suppliers have been previously approved based on Matrix model
Scott Ruppe : www.govindicators.org
Cindy Guerrero : Is this webinar being recorded and will we all have access to hearing it again?
JAYANT SHIRODKER : can you forward website for risk countries
Margaret Halleron : What database do you suggest to verify risk:?
Longinus Ike : how do you carry out a supplier audit for a broker for many food items
Rosemarie Ilic : Toni Allardyce-Harris, manufactures my be not hidden behind multiple distributors but but they can be "unrecognizable" any more...
Scott Ruppe : Med and high risk are significant,  how do determien what needs to be done
Alison Vandermay : Copacking responsibilities?
Kevin Rodriguez : how applicable would safefood 360 be for a food box meal company for example hello fresh?
Rosemary Rapes : I have a question
Cindy Guerrero : horizonscan.com
Robin Bozeman : Thank You!
Jake Brinkman : For BRC Risk Assessments. What do we need to look for to assess 'Variety and Species Contamination?
LUCIANA BONATTO : Excellent content!
tina block : thank you very much! very informative and very helpful
Daisy  Kaur : Hi, We get some supplies from Grocery stores like coffee, Cinnamon and peanuts that we use in Ice  Cream Prodcution. How can I approve them? since they can provide any certificate or letter of guarantee.
Andrew Herndon : https://www.transpar...ch/cpi/overview
Kim Pattenden-Davison : https://datacatalog....ance-indicators
Warren Edde : thanks - this was good information.
Caroline Wang : We still got some broker/supplier not willing to disclose their MFG site. Any recommend how we do risk assessment?
Chris McDonald : Jake cleaning validation data
Evelyn Beaudry : If because of distance, you are unable to physically conduct an on-site audit of your suppliers will a Criteria Model risk assessment satisfy BRC's requirements?
Jacinthe Lefebvre : Thank you very much.. Has your model (system) been validated by any authority (scientific and/or regulatory)?
Scott Wright : Excellent risk awareness discussion....and highlights a need for a definitive database!
ruth muller : How can you be sure you have considered all the relevantr risks?
Kim Pattenden-Davison : Home page for the Worldbank, there is section on links which will take you to the data.
Lorien Carley : QUESTION: Any tips on shifting to Criteria risk assesment when you have used Matrix model in the past-?
Brian Parkinson : Do you think that the Matrix risk assessment model is sufficient for both FSMA and GFSI, or is it lacking and needing to be replaced with Criteria-based?
Alison Vandermay : What are the requirements for companies that are copacking or toll processing? We run a lot of product for our customers that we just provide a cleaning service. How much responsibility do we have to analyze risk on those ingredients?
Kevin Rodriguez : how would SF360 functionalities fit with a  meal-kit company?
Lady Bayon : How the packaging companies construct the Supplier Approved Program, if the materials received are purchased by customer or rarely we buy materials based on customer instructions. They told us who to buy from.
Muhammad Akhlaq : flour mills require only two raw material. wheat and packing materia. how we make risk assessment of broker from we purchase wheat
Anna Sanders : to Daisy, buy from known brands, big names, who you would trust more
Rosemary Rapes : We are buying Okara from Japan and importing it into the US. We use it as a growing substrate for mushrooms. Is Okara considered a food? In Japan it is but not in the US. Do we need to consider Foreign Supplier in regards for FSMA
Jake Brinkman : @ Chris Thank you. That's what I started doing, but I wasnt sure. Thanks again.
hamid ziena : Thank you for your valuable information
Evelyn Beaudry : If because of distance, you are unable to physically conduct an on-site audit of your suppliers will a Criteria Model risk assessment satisfy BRC's requirements?
Chris McDonald : No probs mate :)
Rosemary Rapes : What risks should be considered? All our raw materials are sterilizedd with a retort before seeding.
alyssa j : Brokers are my biggest headache!  I sometimes attempt a direct contact but some big co.'s will not release info. except through the brokers and I have found their eagerness for documentation less than mine.
Caroline Wang : If we use 3rd party warehouse for ingredients or finished product. Do we need perform risk assessment ? Audit them?
Lady Bayon : How the packaging companies construct the Supplier Approved Program, if the materials received are purchased by customer or rarely we buy materials based on customer instructions. They told us who to buy from.
Jake Brinkman : @ alyssaJ - I feel your pain with this!
Kevin Rodriguez : how would SF360 functionalities fit into a  meal-kit company?
cy peria : i am wondering the principles applied in food and the nutraceuticals is the same
Alison Vandermay : Sorry, I clarified in a later question.
Kim Pattenden-Davison : When conducting risk assessment and developing control/mitigation measures - ensure to utilize others from different roles to help, i.e. procurement/purchasing, especially if need to communicate support needed from your suppliers.
BRIA BLACK : My company buys & sells multiple ingredients used for the further manufacture of food (human & animal). Would conducting a R.A. on product groups versus individual products be against FSMA requirements?
Yvonne Dzuda : thanks. good presentation
Longinus Ike : what specific RA / documents required for a broker who supplies frozen chicken product
Kevin Rodriguez : ok thanks a lot!
Rickie Conn : so much good information!  Thank you & good luck to all of you!!
Rosemary Rapes : We are buying Okara from Japan and importing it into the US. We use it as a growing substrate for mushrooms. Is Okara considered a food? In Japan it is but not in the US. Do we need to consider Foreign Supplier in regards for FSMA. How would a risk assessment work? Would a letter of guarantee help?
Cindy Guerrero : My mistake.  The correct website is: https://horizon-scan.fera.co.uk/
Jake Brinkman : Thanks!
Kirsten Robison : I have to go - - meeting time.  Thank you for the informative program!  Have a great weekend!
Cassie Ferguson : @alyssa, yes we ask that question directly and also verify through 3rd party audit. Most audits will mention recall information
Tausi Abdul Mkalimoto : thanks ,very valuable knowledge.
Darla KILROY : For R & D purposes we will initially source special ingredients from retail channel, if approved for production, we would source through our approved supplier program, is this consider acceptable?
alyssa j : @ jake, when I worked in the herbal supplement industry,  species identification was tough, e.g. 14 species.  I know thatsupplier COA's and in-house microscopy are not a fool-proof confirmation of a stated species.
Jake Brinkman : Thanks alyssa j
Dennis Grayson : Thank you Simon and George. Great job. I look forward to the recording. Have a great weekend.
cedia boxhill : lady  bayon  you should  ask  your customer  to show you their risk assessment. There  is a risk so they should show you and you can  make  recommendation from what  you  have reviewed. cedia
maulik shah : How do we categorize risk for food product contact packaging supplier?
hamid ziena : for the same point sometimes questioairs may be not true
Vicki Torntore : Are manufacturers required to disclose their GFSI audit report? Some of our suppliers are certified, and we have asked for their audit report to review, but they say it is confidential and cannot be shared. Do I have a leg to stand on if I push back?
Evelyn Beaudry : Thank you for the very informative webinar.
Jake Brinkman : @ Vicki  BRC says that it is up to the certifacte holder if they want to disclose the audit report. I'm not sure if it is the same with all GFSI
Robert Bolestridge : Many suppliers don't want to share their audit report
Patricia Maldonado de García : Thank you for a very informative and useful Webinar!
Brooke Rehberg : Thank you!
Lorien Carley : Thanks!
Jake Brinkman : @ VIcki   when this happens I aske for statements the answer the questions that I need answered for the BRC Standard risk assessment
Elaine Wu : Hello, i am experiencing network error
Vicki Torntore : Thank you Jake and Robert! Jake, that is good advice.
Jacinthe Lefebvre : The result of such analyses may be a supplier's refusal. It would be unfortunate if in fact this supplier is fully qualified, but poorly documented: so rejected...
Sherif  Mustafa  : thank you very much
Jake Brinkman : If I don't get what i need, they don't make it to approval usually. then that forces purchasing to get involved and go through the sales agent to gain the info I need
maulik shah : I worked for a coffee manufacturer and coffee beans are imported from all over the world from small farms. How do we do the risk assessment for coffee bean supplier using this model?
Longinus Ike : a very well informative webinar, looking forward to more webinar on this same topic as i feel it's implementation parameters in most industries is not fully understood
Lorien Carley : Jacinthe- I hear you, but if you don't have documentation to defend your qualification- where does that leave you-?
Catherine Roger : Was food draud applicable for 2018 in Canada? for GFSI-SQF?
Randy Keir : Thanks for the info, helps a lot.
maulik shah : coffee bean risk assessment from small farm suppliers all over the world?
Timothy Gooden : thank you - great content especially on matrix and criteria assessment - Slainte
Brenda Cremer : This week we went thru PC audit with FDA and yes, group assessment via group is permitted.
Margot Thompson : SQF approved our risk assesment based upon Groups of Ingredients
Alison Vandermay : Cleaning as in agricultural ingredients. We basically sift sticks out of raw rice.  So we run it through our machinery and then pack it up and give it back to the customer. We sometimes do retail packaging - but we don't MAKE anything, we just elevate the purity. Our auditors have suggested we handle these as OUR ingredients/products so that we do our part in food safety, but we aren't involved in the purchase or approval of the ingredient at all.
Lorien Carley : Thanks, Margot!!
Jake Brinkman : Thanks everyone for all the information. Very helpfull. have to go. Writing a Food Defense Program, *Fingers Crossed*
alyssa j : Here is a free useful link for a food fraud assessment tool as you are doing your supplier certification https://ffv.pwc.com/vsat/#/
Lorien Carley : Good Luck, Jake!!
Katherine Fuentes : In some countries, it is very difficult to find approved or even formal suppliers of fruit, vegetables, spices, etc. What would you recommend on those cases? thank you!
Shiv singh : best of my knowledge, you have to give privilege to share the audit report with customers
Lorien Carley : Yes- really great- Thank You!
Cindy Guerrero : Great webinar! Thanks!
Iryna Dyachenko : Thank you! Very Interesting Topic!
alyssa j : I have found the certification info. is avail for SQF and BRC but not the actual certificates or reports.
Brenda Cremer : Thank you!
Emma  Fonseca : Thanks
Hanumanth Reddy : hi Vicki. all gfsi third party certifications are available in database
Kaushi Kuruppu : Thanks all
LAMPROS MICHAS : Very informative presentation george and simon
Amaral Munoz : Thanks, great material
Robert Bolestridge : thanks... was very informative
Jennifer Aquart : Very good presentation and QA session. Thank you. Happy 2019!
Mathieu Colmant : @Simon, can we have the chat log as well ?

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