Hi there,
I have a question about the use of Isopropyl Alcohol for cleaning & sanitation & disinfecting programs for dry food manufacture/packaging: basically, are there any restrictions against using isopropyl alcohol for disinfecting food contact surfaces (aside from organic products--that is we do not process organic products)?
While our cleaning and sanitation program is pretty good and we have invested in a lot of services, much of which is through EcoLab (which seems to be a crowd favorite on here), I just want to have our facility take the extra precaution of eradicating any pathogens that can be an unknown risk (even though we're a low-risk facility). I was reading online and it seems that IPA is fairly effective as a disinfectant, and of course it's an easy, cost-effective option. Plus it has the added bonus of drying very quickly for a dry food operation, so it's a simple spraying at the end of the day/shift and it'll be dry in time for the next production run. We have mostly stainless steel food contact equipment so it should work great on it!
It seems that if it would be allowed in hospitals and operation rooms, I can't imagine why it would be prohibited for the food industry, but my logic might be faulty there...
Can anyone speak to any restrictions against using IPA on FCs (as it regards non-organic products)?