I've mentioned on this forum before that in my facility, we only have 4 allergens. Wheat, milk, egg, and soy. I have all 4 allergens in everything we make, so there's no chance of cross contamination. We still have special bulk storage, open ingredient storage, special scoops, etc, for the allergens.
I'm wanting to stop doing all of this babysitting of the allergens, because it just seems silly to me. Where is the risk? Everything is guaranteed to contain all four allergens. I'm doing a risk analysis, but I wanted some input from all you guys out there, since you're always such a help.
I've been FSSC 22k certed for like 13 years, so this kind of worries me, as we're passing fine now. I don't want to do something an inspector will get upset over and write me up, where I've never had an issue. However, I really feel that all this special care just isn't needed. Am I missing something here?
Lemme know what you guys think....