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Preventing a Food Safety Crisis with Pest Management - - - - - 3,833 Views

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Description: The FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) mandates that facilities follow the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls (HARPC) food safety system. Preventive controls are the core of HARPC, so understanding how these fit within your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is essential to FSMA compliance.

Join entomologist and Orkin Technical Services Manager Chelle Hartzer as she brings her knowledge and expertise to your facility with a free webinar to discuss preventive pest management methods that should be implemented to help ensure you and your staff are helping keep your facility pest free.

During this hour-long webinar you’ll learn about pest management and how it relates to:

• HARPC requirements
• Facility factors that affect preventive controls
• Establishing preventive controls
• Best practices for achieving and measuring success

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Well, thanks for the information!
Pests can contaminate food supplies as well as damage to facilities. As they can contribute to food-borne illness and other diseases. A better solution to this issue is to have an integrated pest management program which is a part of your food safety program. So, before implementing such a program, however, it is important to identify which type of pests and consult the best
pest control companies.

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