Forgive me if this seems like a very silly question for all of you expert Food/Safety/Quality/ Professionals out there, but as previously mentioned in my "Introducing Myself" posts yesterday, I'm a complete "newbie" in every sense of the word when it comes to Safe Quality Food Initiatives, acronyms, and terminology after being "thrust" into a new role as my company's SQF Practitioner at the start of the New Year.
QUESTION: What impact (if any) will the looming US Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) have on SQF Level 2?
My understanding is that the FSMA will be fully implemented by 2016 and so I'm just trying to be proactive in thinking ahead and possibly preparing for its impact on our company's implementation of SQF Level 2 Certification for the first time this year.
Is it something that will simply "reinforce" and "underscore" what's already in place or, as with most things mandated by our governments, will it have a significant effect upon our SQF System that will already be in place by then (i.e., in other words, will there be even more work for us to do once the FSMA kicks into high-gear or additional Clauses to implement along with an SQF Level 2 Certified System?)?
I'll admit, I haven't had any time at all to really research and read up on the FSMA since all of my time has been spent absorbing HACCP/SQF material, which is why I thought I'd reach out and present the question to all of you.
Thanks in advance for your time and help!
All The Best,