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Incident Management Procedure vs Non Conformance?

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Posted 29 November 2015 - 10:13 PM

'Policies and procedures for prevention of foreign object contamination of finished product shall be implemented irrespective of the use of foreign object detection systems. This shall include an incident management procedure that handles situations when foreign objects are found'. WQA v8.



Hi guys,


What is the difference between an 'incident management procedure' and a non-conformance report?


When foreign objects are found in a product, shouldn't it be listed as a non conformance where the root cause is investigated, corrective actions/preventative measures are made?


Does this clause mean that there should be a separate 'incident management procedure'? If so, what would it look like?


Would love to hear your opinions and thoughts!


And if anyone has a 'incident management procedure' for foreign objects would you be able to provide an example of how it might look like?


Thank you!



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Posted 30 November 2015 - 05:51 AM



Your non-conformance report would identify affected product this would be followed up by investigation, correction, identifying root cause, corrective action and confirmation corrective action is completed and effective.


In addition faulty product may be in stock, on sale and with the consumer. You need a procedure to manage such situations including responsibilities for communication, retrieval and replacing offending product.





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Posted 30 November 2015 - 09:16 AM



My take is that the event (metal detector triggered etc.) is the incident and the investigation is the process. If/when a foreign body is found then that is the non-conformance. It's a long way round, but it makes it easier to link other incidents (audit findings, customer complaints etc) to the non-conformance process.

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 11:40 AM



My take is that the event (metal detector triggered etc.) is the incident and the investigation is the process. If/when a foreign body is found then that is the non-conformance. It's a long way round, but it makes it easier to link other incidents (audit findings, customer complaints etc) to the non-conformance process.


You may be right Jim and an 'incident management procedure' would be say a 'glass breakage procedure' it is not clear where the wording is in the original post is from:


Woolworths Quality Assurance Standard:Manufactured Food Version 8
11. Prevention of Foreign Object Contamination
There shall be a system in place for all staff to report a foreign object finding or potential for foreign object contamination. All reported incidences shall be documented and resolved as appropriate such that product is protected from the contamination risk.

Procedures shall be documented which specify corrective action in the event of a detection of a foreign object or machine failure. All staff with operational access to the machinery shall be trained in these procedures.
The procedures shall include identification and isolation/quarantine of all product produced since the last acceptable test of the metal/ foreign body detector. The procedures shall also detail the required corrective actions which shall be implemented before quarantined product is released to Woolworths.

All foreign object findings shall be investigated with the results of the investigation, root cause and corrective actions documented. This includes reported items, findings though detection systems and foreign object audits. Foreign object findings shall be documented and trended to establish any common sources. All investigations shall involve liaison with raw material suppliers where appropriate.

Incident Management is covered in 17. Incident Management





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