From the FDA Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide.
You may not be producing any seafood items but the concept should be similar to other products.
Reduced oxygen packaging
A number of conditions can result in the creation of a reduced oxygen environment in packaged fish and fishery products. They include:
• Vacuum, modified, or controlled atmosphere packaging. These packaging methods generally directly reduce the amount of
oxygen in the package;
• Packaging in hermetically sealed containers (e.g., double-seamed cans, glass jars with sealed lids, and heat-sealed plastic containers), or packing in deep containers from which the air is expressed (e.g., caviar in large containers), or packing in oil. These and similar processing and packaging
techniques prevent the entry of oxygen into the container.
Any oxygen present at the time of packaging (including oxygen that may be added during modified atmosphere packaging) may be rapidly depleted by the activity of spoilage bacteria, resulting in the formation of a reduced oxygen environment.
Edited by kfromNE, 30 January 2023 - 01:45 PM.