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Product Development – How Product Developers affect Food Safety - - - - - 4,443 Views

food safety fridays webinars product development food safety

Description: Research and Development is the start point for the creation of new products, the modification of existing products and the introduction/modification of new/existing packaging. The introduction of new ingredients and packaging can be disastrous for a food company if it is not done methodically as it can lead to the introduction of new hazards into the process. Therefore, the R&D Department must be in continuous communication with key stakeholders in the manufacturing side to ensure that the new introductions are not only compatible with existing processes but also that a hazard analysis is done to ensure food safety. On the other hand, keeping food safety and creativity in harmony can prove tricky as food safety considerations may change the original concept for what he development or modifications where conceived for may change to keep the consumer out of harmsway . This seminar will focus on the role of R&D in the manufacturing process and will show a practical tool to ensure that all aspects from creation to launch are taken into account when introducting new concepts into existing operations.

Download the presentation slides and Certificate of Attendance in the files library: http://www.ifsqn.com/forum/index.php/files/file/301-product-development-%E2%80%93-how-product-developers-affect-food-safety/

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