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Practical Food Defense (TACCP) and Food Fraud (VACCP) Training, November 14, 2023

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 04 October 2023 · 4,120 views

Practical Food Defense (TACCP) and Food Fraud (VACCP) Training, November 14, 2023

This interactive IFSQN 4-hour online training webinar will enable your food safety team to develop practical knowledge on how to implement all the steps to have a fully developed food defense and food fraud plan. The course is suitable for food safety team members involved with food defense and food fraud prevention in your business.


All attendees receive a copy of the training material (PDF), personalized IFSQN Training Academy Certificate and 30 day access to the webinar recording.


Cost of Attendance: $97


Find Out More >>

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So, I paid for this course to attend the live session. Never received any communication from IFSQN to attend the course. I am not receiving any assistance on this and now have paid for and not able to attend this training session. 

Please assist. Invoice# 99397. 

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Hi Mike, we have sent you the information twice by email.


I will send it to you by personal message here.




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I'm sorry I cannot send you a PM,


Instead I have forwarded the information from a personal gmail account and hope you receive it this time.


Kind Regards,


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