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Forums Update: “Best Answer” Feature

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 11 June 2013 · 4,271 views

Fundamentally the IFSQN is about members asking and answering questions. These forums generate a lot of topics with many replies and it can often be confusing for other readers to know which reply definitively answered the original question.


To aid this we have added a brand new 'best answer' feature. This enables the topic starter, moderators and administrators to mark a post as the best answer. The Best Answer feature is explained with the screen shots below.


Important Note:
Of course many topics will not have a single definitive answer, rather an answer is formed over multiple posts and often a definitive answer does not result from the discussions. So the Best Answer button should only be used where there is one single definitive Best Answer.


Posted Image


This screen shot shows a typical question topic and the best answer has been flagged. You'll also notice that at the top, a small excerpt of the post is shown with a button to go and read the full post. This is useful for when the best answer may be on a different page to the one you're viewing.


Posted Image


Looking at the forum view, you'll see that the answered topic has a badge that when clicked takes you to the flagged post.


Posted Image


You can also quickly filter the forum list to remove answered or unanswered topics.


If you have any questions or comments post below.



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Great addition!


Thank you,


I think so, thanks Setanta.


By the way the button is on the same row as the "Thanks" button and is titled "Mark Solved"


I forgot to mention that (important) bit. :smile:



