Hi everyone, I’m after some help on a potential new process we have in our factory.
We currently make low risk ambient flapjacks, brownie, cookies. And we have undertook validation to prove that the oven isn’t a CCP, based of Aw, pH and micro criteria. So comfortable here.
However, We are looking to make a chocolate and raspberry coated marshmallow on a stick for a customer. The product remains unbaked. The first part of the process runs along side the ‘raw’ manufacturing flapjack process (pre bake). And so, I’m just trying to understand if I’ve accessed all risks:
Even at raw stage the likely impact of cross contamination of flapjack to marshmallow still seems low, based on the intrinsic properties of the raw ingredients. So from an ingredient risk, I don’t really see a major problem.
For me, the more significant risk comes from people e.g. cross contamination, using dirty utensils, dirty processing aids, dirty environment between the two products. So for me, its controlling the equipment and people element.
What do you think? I’d welcome any comments.