I'm inclined to believe it was a new cook process that someone decided was invalidated by the test result. Not sure how else to reconcile several months of production on an item that must have experienced segregational cleaning cycles daily or weekly.
How quickly will we see FOIA requests fulfilled or denied for their inspection record? I think the precedent set by Boars Head will build a lot of expectations.
I was wondering if it could have been post-process contamination myself. Or like the Boar's Head incident, perhaps there was a resident strain of listeria spp. that wasn't properly eradicated? A poor environmental monitoring program + poor sanitation program?
I do feel terrible for any of the "middle-men"--the processors who bought BrucePac's RTE chicken and meat and packaged it into finished goods (like the frozen meals and single-serve salad kits in the recall list). If I were them, I would be conducting environmental testing to ensure any production line or storage area the BP material was in is not contaminated with listeria. I would want to assure *my* customers that my facility was maintained in sanitary condition.
Can you imagine if that listeria strain somehow spread to equipment and/or infrastructure at a BP customer that didn't have a strict sanitation program and environmental monitoring? My hands are sweating just thinking about how that could snowball...I hope FSIS is working with BP's customers to ensure that is not the case.