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Traceability of Food in Restaurants and Fast Food * * * * * 3,770 Views

food safety fridays webinar traceability fast food restaurant
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Description: Traceability is the obligation of every food producer. Application of traceability is, depending on the size of the organization, complexity of the production process and product and system preparedness, somewhere simpler and somewhere complicated. Regardless of the circumstances, traceability must be applied, but also tested through daily activities and planned activities. The big challenge is placed in front of food manufacturers who offer their products directly to the consumer. Traceability of food in restaurants and fast food restaurants can be tricky, but through simple and practical examples can be easily implemented.

Download the presentation slides and certificate of attendance in the files library: http://www.ifsqn.com/forum/index.php/files/file/202-traceability-of-food-in-restaurants-and-fast-food

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