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Free Food Safety Training Videos

Posted by Simon in IFSQN Official Blog, in Webinars & Training 14 March 2019 - · 114,432 views
free food safety videos

IFSQN hold regular free webinar training sessions on a wide variety of food safety topics.  For your convenience we’ve compiled the video recordings into a handy Excel to make it easy for you to find what you need. The videos are free to access 24/7/365 days a year to watch at your leisure and share with your colleagues.  Happy viewing!

How PCQI Training Supports the BRCGS Food Safety Standard in Food Manufacturing

Posted by Simon in IFSQN Official Blog, 13 March 2024 - · 580 views

How PCQI Training Supports the BRCGS Food Safety Standard in Food Manufacturing Through the FDA’s standardized curriculum for PCQI training, the Preventive Controls Qualified Individual becomes knowledgeable and skilled at developing, implementing, and overseeing the food safety plan as required under FSMA’s Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (PCHF). In this role, the PCQI training supports and complements the BRCGS certificatio...

Covid-19 Outbreak & Preventive Measures at Work place

Posted by mahantesh.micro in mahantesh.micro's Blog, 30 April 2020 - · 3,314 views

What is a Virus?
Virus is defined as "Ultramicroscopic, obligatory intracellular paracites" which means they can not be seen through ordinary compound microscope and they cannot replicate or live outside the host cell. Viruses can only be seen through electronic microscope as the size of these viruses is very very small which is in the range of 30 nm t...

Foreign objects in the Food industry. Are we living in a world that’s controlled by suppliers ?

Posted by Pava in Pavan's Blog, 19 June 2019 - · 8,046 views
#Suppliers #Suppliercontrol

Majority of the industries face the issue of Foreign objects in their products and the primary source of these objects are through raw materials that comes from Suppliers both Manufacturers as well as Traders. Manufacturers take immense measures to reduce the amount of Foreign objects in their products through various food safety standards and local...

Document control – make it less of a chore and more of an asset

Posted by FurFarmandFork in FurFarmandFork's Blog, 07 August 2018 - · 20,105 views

Document control – make it less of a chore and more of an asset When I first arrived at my current role, I had come from a 19-person QA department with at least one or two people dedicated each to a portion of our program. Now I was a one-man crew, but the SQF code hadn’t changed. I had to reexamine my interpretation of the code to focus on the basic requirements and how I would be able to meet them with whatever...

Catch Up Time as GFSI Release GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Version 7 Updated April 2018

Posted by Tony-C in Tony-C's Blog, 14 April 2017 - · 11,058 views
GFSI, Version 7

With the recent release of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Version 7 I thought it would be a good time to follow up on one of my previous blogs – GFSI Chicken or BRC Egg…which came first?  So, what are the changes? The previous GFSI Benchmarking Requirements GFSI Guidance Document Sixth Edition Version 6.4 was a single docu...

Using Tools from the Past

Posted by MWidra in MWidra's Blog, 25 February 2015 - · 8,224 views
BRC, science

So for the last 2 days I've been working on filling the gaps for attaining BRC certification. This will be an ongoing process for a little bit, I'm sure. What I have been doing is writing the documents, procedures, and finding the information that will be eventually be compiled into..

"The Tome"

In other words, the food safety and quality manual....

Paperwork: Why is it so hard for the operators to fill out correctly?

Posted by Mr. Incognito in Mr. Incognito's Blog, 26 January 2015 - · 23,073 views
paperwork, documentation, Mr I.

So for 14 months, since I started at my position, I've had a very hard time getting our most important paperwork filled out correctly and completely. We discussed it over meetings, we changed documentation to make it easier, we talked with the operators many times about it and yet it never got better.

Documentation is something that is hard for quality...

Managerial Rhymes

Posted by Zeeshan in Management Craft, 11 April 2014 - · 7,640 views

Managerial decision Rhymes:

1- Don't trapped in Groove - Improve or Remove -

Do not blame on things and people. Either improve them or remove them. Missing a single stitch in time will destroy your nines. While blaming things and people not only waste time and resources but also down the moral of people. Most probably the things or peoples were...

The basics of Halal Food Manufacturing.

Posted by Zeeshan in Halal Food Manufacturing, 11 April 2014 - · 8,866 views

Round the world people have many confusions over halal food manufacturing. Even Muslim manufacturer and consumers have contradictory views. Regardless of these confusions and contradiction there are some basics which must be considered by food manufacturer intended to comply with halal assurance requirements.

1- Knowledge of fundamental terms and definit...

International Forums

Posted by Jelena C in Quality and Food Safety from Serbia, 24 March 2013 - · 10,729 views
Forum, ISO, Standard, System and 4 more...

There are so many International Forums all over the world but most of them are not of any use. Why something like this is happening? There are many of reasons but here I will give just some of them that are the most common by my opinion:

Companies are sending participants to Forums that are not experts and they deserved their place because they are just...

What is ISO 21469 Certification and what does it mean for users of Food Grade Lubricants, Fluids, Oils and Greases?

Posted by Shaun Heys in ROCOL's Blog, 28 February 2013 - · 7,435 views
Food Safety, Food Processing and 2 more...

All machinery requires lubrication in order to keep it in good working condition. The manufacture of food, beverages and pharmaceuticals adds an extra level of complexity due to the strict food safety regulations that govern the industry. Food Grade Lubricants  must therefore be used in place of standard lubricants to facilitate the auditing requirements...

Implementing SQF

Posted by MQA in Janette's Blog, 17 December 2010 - · 8,523 views

SQF is an international standard of food safety and quality management systems.  Recognised by the Global Food Standard Initiate, the standard is an investment in benchmarking your business against the leaders of your industry.

SQF entails management commitment to not only conduct safety  practices of your product or services but also to ensure quality...

6 quality dimensions

Posted by AS NUR in AS NUR's Blog, 03 December 2010 - · 16,992 views

six quality dimensions are used for the evaluation of quality concepts in order to quantify quality performance are :

1. Product quality
2. Availability
3. Cost
4. Fexibility
5. Reliability
6. Service

point 1 - 3 related to the quality of the product and 4-6 related to the quality of oragnisation.

Can quality be an effective tool when searching for a job in today's economy?

Posted by vonsigler in vonsigler's Blog, 28 October 2010 - · 4,509 views

The worldwide recession has plunged many people and organizations into the heart of despair and the unknown future. The industrial might of the capalistic system which grew to unbefore known heights during the last century, has within a decade dropped to the lowest level worldwide since the pre-world war two years. What history has taught us is when times...

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